Micky: Hij tilt het naar een higher plan
vrijdag 12 juni 2009 om 13:41
Iemand het tenenkrommende interview gelezen met Adam en Micky in de Graatsia?
Adam: ik was dood aan het gaan, micky heeft mij weer tot leven gewekt. Alle colours kwamen terug.
Micky: we hebben together gehuild om Christina
Kortom the new couple heeft elkaar totally gevonden. They never knew that wat happened could happen. Ze lazen for god sake dezelfde boeken. En guess wat? ze mailden elkaar ook dezelfde songs.
Na de first kiss ging Adam naar de states, en al gauw vroeg hij haar om over te komen. Nou that liet Micky zich geen two times zeggen.
Na wekenlange yogaseksmantrasessie, besloot adam zijn heart te airen bij patries. En after that trok hij gelijk in bij soulmate Micky ...
En bedankt Patries...
Adam: ik was dood aan het gaan, micky heeft mij weer tot leven gewekt. Alle colours kwamen terug.
Micky: we hebben together gehuild om Christina
Kortom the new couple heeft elkaar totally gevonden. They never knew that wat happened could happen. Ze lazen for god sake dezelfde boeken. En guess wat? ze mailden elkaar ook dezelfde songs.
Na de first kiss ging Adam naar de states, en al gauw vroeg hij haar om over te komen. Nou that liet Micky zich geen two times zeggen.
Na wekenlange yogaseksmantrasessie, besloot adam zijn heart te airen bij patries. En after that trok hij gelijk in bij soulmate Micky ...
En bedankt Patries...
donderdag 20 augustus 2009 om 00:03
quote:meds schreef op 19 augustus 2009 @ 23:37:
Binkie, ik had just Bastiaan Von Schaik on the phone and hij says, the dress is a grote NONO. It is saai and slecht from schnitt. And there is no sjaaltje with it.
Okay Meds, you win....zucht......
Can you please ask Bastiaan, what he vind from my underware.
I've been told, that Hans is loving suprises!
Binkie, ik had just Bastiaan Von Schaik on the phone and hij says, the dress is a grote NONO. It is saai and slecht from schnitt. And there is no sjaaltje with it.
Okay Meds, you win....zucht......
Can you please ask Bastiaan, what he vind from my underware.
I've been told, that Hans is loving suprises!
Age is mind over matter, if you don\'t mind is doesn\'t matter
donderdag 20 augustus 2009 om 00:14
quote:meds schreef op 19 augustus 2009 @ 23:56:
you can not blaim dat on me, want ik told you zo, het was Bastiaan Von Schaick die that zei.
waarom voor god sake, heeft Vanessa neptieten in heur lips?
I tell you Meds, and also this is from a very betrouwbare source,
I pray that I don't trow in my new glazen,
Con want's 2 look like this!!!
But onder us he????
Hans is also een animallover
I think now I can forget mij new carriere
you can not blaim dat on me, want ik told you zo, het was Bastiaan Von Schaick die that zei.
waarom voor god sake, heeft Vanessa neptieten in heur lips?
I tell you Meds, and also this is from a very betrouwbare source,
I pray that I don't trow in my new glazen,
Con want's 2 look like this!!!
But onder us he????
Hans is also een animallover
I think now I can forget mij new carriere
Age is mind over matter, if you don\'t mind is doesn\'t matter

donderdag 20 augustus 2009 om 00:36
quote:louisavuitton schreef op 20 augustus 2009 @ 00:23:
Binkie, thx so much voor de verhelderende photographs. I could not see the bomen annymore threw the forest.
Ya right Louisa Forest. The Foresters.The bold and the beautifull!
Precies my new family, at least what's left of them.
After Meds haar bemoeienis!!
Taken words from my lips I don't want to say
Louisa do you also thinks that Meds in secret is the sister of Albert?
She weet to many in's and out's!
Binkie, thx so much voor de verhelderende photographs. I could not see the bomen annymore threw the forest.
Ya right Louisa Forest. The Foresters.The bold and the beautifull!
Precies my new family, at least what's left of them.
After Meds haar bemoeienis!!
Taken words from my lips I don't want to say
Louisa do you also thinks that Meds in secret is the sister of Albert?
She weet to many in's and out's!
Age is mind over matter, if you don\'t mind is doesn\'t matter
donderdag 20 augustus 2009 om 13:24
quote:lolapaloeza schreef op 20 augustus 2009 @ 11:22:
Oh No! Now kan ik mijn P.A. job forgetten?! Noo, Binkie, you must blijven believe in yourself.
How ga ik anders een honorable blowjob krijgen?
I Thumb 4 u!
Well Lola, i'm so vreselijk sorry,but I have to give you the zak,even before you started.Albert calde this mornig, early toe cancel my optraden.
I also now how is behind this, but my lips are gezegeld.
Personally, I also believe in a conspiracy against mijn nieuwe future.
You know.I know to veel.
It started with vragen about the titis in Con lips.No Lola!,no names!)
I am a woman,hoe kan keep a geheim.
So I plaatste a foto( is removed) what Hansie,likes to see in a women.
,I don't bedenk this myself,! You must know, I have a very good friend,he is deurwaarder, comes to my house 3 times a day,sometimes with police, I think he likes me voor many redenen,but I dwaal af, he has a sister and she works in a ilegal McDonalds ,its settled in de kelder of the Gucci Store in de P.C.Hooftstreet..Hans & Con,bezoekt that place at least 3 times a week, and thats the place she overhoord the next conversation : Fasten your belts!!!!!
Hans: 2 cheeseburgers please,and 2 shakes banaan
Con: and 2 for me!
Hans: Why Con ?, I bestelde already
Con: zwijgt
Hans: Con, what is wrong, are you boos met mij?
Con: starts huiling.
Hans: one zakdoek please
Con:dept her tears
Hans: Will you talk about it?
Con: its to painvol!!!
Hans: Come on,Con, we are husband and husband, howcom painvol?
Con: Don't push me!!!!
Hans:I push as much as I want!, and then........................
Con starts screaming like a vis sorry wijf,and trow it out true the whole Mc Donalds, ilegal, stampfull, so 200 customers could enyoy mee.
I saw You swaffel with the vis lastnight!!!! Are my lips no goed genoeg anymore?.
Believe me ,from what I heard, Hans pult away lijkbleek, forget to pay the bill, and left the kelder building. What a story he???
And then the divorse was a fact!!!!
I understand, that now I can vergeet my new life with Hansie complet, but am blij, it is in the open now!!!!
From what I heard, Dries is also looking for a new wife, misschien I try my hapiness with hem.!!!
By interesse for the dress, contact me please, don.t aarzel. Een shawl can er bij deliverd worden.
I end now, I have to send de verhuisjongens away and cry!!
The object of his affection, and the marriagebreker!!!
Oh No! Now kan ik mijn P.A. job forgetten?! Noo, Binkie, you must blijven believe in yourself.
How ga ik anders een honorable blowjob krijgen?
I Thumb 4 u!
Well Lola, i'm so vreselijk sorry,but I have to give you the zak,even before you started.Albert calde this mornig, early toe cancel my optraden.
I also now how is behind this, but my lips are gezegeld.
Personally, I also believe in a conspiracy against mijn nieuwe future.
You know.I know to veel.
It started with vragen about the titis in Con lips.No Lola!,no names!)
I am a woman,hoe kan keep a geheim.
So I plaatste a foto( is removed) what Hansie,likes to see in a women.
,I don't bedenk this myself,! You must know, I have a very good friend,he is deurwaarder, comes to my house 3 times a day,sometimes with police, I think he likes me voor many redenen,but I dwaal af, he has a sister and she works in a ilegal McDonalds ,its settled in de kelder of the Gucci Store in de P.C.Hooftstreet..Hans & Con,bezoekt that place at least 3 times a week, and thats the place she overhoord the next conversation : Fasten your belts!!!!!
Hans: 2 cheeseburgers please,and 2 shakes banaan
Con: and 2 for me!
Hans: Why Con ?, I bestelde already
Con: zwijgt
Hans: Con, what is wrong, are you boos met mij?
Con: starts huiling.
Hans: one zakdoek please
Con:dept her tears
Hans: Will you talk about it?
Con: its to painvol!!!
Hans: Come on,Con, we are husband and husband, howcom painvol?
Con: Don't push me!!!!
Hans:I push as much as I want!, and then........................
Con starts screaming like a vis sorry wijf,and trow it out true the whole Mc Donalds, ilegal, stampfull, so 200 customers could enyoy mee.
I saw You swaffel with the vis lastnight!!!! Are my lips no goed genoeg anymore?.
Believe me ,from what I heard, Hans pult away lijkbleek, forget to pay the bill, and left the kelder building. What a story he???
And then the divorse was a fact!!!!
I understand, that now I can vergeet my new life with Hansie complet, but am blij, it is in the open now!!!!
From what I heard, Dries is also looking for a new wife, misschien I try my hapiness with hem.!!!
By interesse for the dress, contact me please, don.t aarzel. Een shawl can er bij deliverd worden.
I end now, I have to send de verhuisjongens away and cry!!
The object of his affection, and the marriagebreker!!!
Age is mind over matter, if you don\'t mind is doesn\'t matter
donderdag 20 augustus 2009 om 14:55
Oh, Lola sorry hoor,
But now ik begrijp the speachword, everything happens for a reden!!
Did you ever dacht, that a
manwoman as beautifull as you,,,,,,,
I could verdraag , 2 live onder the seem dak, with Hansie and my
No way!!!!!!!!
I zou you booth Never I herhaal Never, leaves you out of my side!!
Dat is what we call here , binding the cat at the
fat. No No No.
I,am not sorry, for making you employloos.
Can ik maybe plak a pleister at your wond, true sending my lovely dress?. For you, it would be for gratis dan........!
But now ik begrijp the speachword, everything happens for a reden!!
Did you ever dacht, that a
manwoman as beautifull as you,,,,,,,
I could verdraag , 2 live onder the seem dak, with Hansie and my
No way!!!!!!!!
I zou you booth Never I herhaal Never, leaves you out of my side!!
Dat is what we call here , binding the cat at the
fat. No No No.
I,am not sorry, for making you employloos.
Can ik maybe plak a pleister at your wond, true sending my lovely dress?. For you, it would be for gratis dan........!
Age is mind over matter, if you don\'t mind is doesn\'t matter
donderdag 20 augustus 2009 om 18:38
Lola,Besides the feit, that whe now, have no "businessbanden "anymore,
un fortuinlijk, off caurse for Hansie...grrrr.
I think, a new matter is coming our pad. You look a little like my long verloren nicht.
Can you make the comparnes yourself?? The foto I send mee,is not so old, its from 1979. (spring), to be precies.
Maybe whe can go verder, als family of eachother??
Hoop to hear zoen from you!!!!
un fortuinlijk, off caurse for Hansie...grrrr.
I think, a new matter is coming our pad. You look a little like my long verloren nicht.
Can you make the comparnes yourself?? The foto I send mee,is not so old, its from 1979. (spring), to be precies.
Maybe whe can go verder, als family of eachother??
Hoop to hear zoen from you!!!!
Age is mind over matter, if you don\'t mind is doesn\'t matter
donderdag 20 augustus 2009 om 21:28
donderdag 20 augustus 2009 om 23:16
quote:dolfje schreef op 20 augustus 2009 @ 21:28:
Oh boy wat a lot gewritten hier since i laatst readen haved..
I moest give a standing ovatie to Binkie for vertellen the true verhaal,i think dat it will zijn a good verhaal voor a woensdagevening true story on RTL4,maybe zelfs a miniserie...
Thanx Dolfje, but I must say. I think its time for me to see goodbye op this topic.
I am so very bang, that Meds, who open this topic for MickeyAdam,will vervolg mij ,of jaloursy topicvervuiling, because I tried to find a husbandman in the figure of Hansie, and honestly, it has niets te doen with the MickeyAdam story, true or not? So out respect voor Meds, I rest my case here,not whitout the promiss, that als er new ontwikkelingen are, I open a new topic. Can you vind yourself in that????
Oh boy wat a lot gewritten hier since i laatst readen haved..
I moest give a standing ovatie to Binkie for vertellen the true verhaal,i think dat it will zijn a good verhaal voor a woensdagevening true story on RTL4,maybe zelfs a miniserie...
Thanx Dolfje, but I must say. I think its time for me to see goodbye op this topic.
I am so very bang, that Meds, who open this topic for MickeyAdam,will vervolg mij ,of jaloursy topicvervuiling, because I tried to find a husbandman in the figure of Hansie, and honestly, it has niets te doen with the MickeyAdam story, true or not? So out respect voor Meds, I rest my case here,not whitout the promiss, that als er new ontwikkelingen are, I open a new topic. Can you vind yourself in that????
Age is mind over matter, if you don\'t mind is doesn\'t matter
donderdag 20 augustus 2009 om 23:24
quote:dolfje schreef op 20 augustus 2009 @ 23:19:
Don't verlaat us binkie!I denke you and Meds can praten both on this onderwerp!Thanx again Dolfje, are you sure that Meds and me, can walk true one deur together???? in this topic of hate,overspel love??
Don't verlaat us binkie!I denke you and Meds can praten both on this onderwerp!Thanx again Dolfje, are you sure that Meds and me, can walk true one deur together???? in this topic of hate,overspel love??
Age is mind over matter, if you don\'t mind is doesn\'t matter
vrijdag 21 augustus 2009 om 20:06

vrijdag 21 augustus 2009 om 21:24
Child of the bill heeft weer wat getwittert on the wereld wide web over her Mom. Child zegt something about her Mom liking big black men, and with big she did not meen only dik qua omvang, so to zeggen...
But gelukkig, leter the child of the bill took it back. Patries was not amused...
There goes our theorie op in vlammen about Hans and Patries
But gelukkig, leter the child of the bill took it back. Patries was not amused...
There goes our theorie op in vlammen about Hans and Patries