Aardbeving Turkije en Syrië
dinsdag 14 februari 2023 om 21:46
woensdag 15 februari 2023 om 10:47
Vanochtend vroeg lichte beving in hatay . Krijg ik door van een bekende in Turkije .
Vreselijk hopelijk geen nieuwe slachtoffers
Vreselijk hopelijk geen nieuwe slachtoffers

woensdag 15 februari 2023 om 11:45
Ja ik las het ook. Echt heel mooi. Maar tegelijkertijd moet ik er dan aan denken dat er dus nog steeds mensen onder het puin liggen die leven en dus misschien/wellicht niet op tijd gered gaan worden. Die daar dus een langzame dood liggen te sterven.
woensdag 15 februari 2023 om 16:20
Inderdaad je moet het niet te veel op je laten inwerken kan het nu weer n beetje in mijn hoofd hebben .maar heb er vreselijk veel moeite mee gehad .het is een van de grootste naoorlogse rampen .PoesMinoes schreef: ↑15-02-2023 11:45Ja ik las het ook. Echt heel mooi. Maar tegelijkertijd moet ik er dan aan denken dat er dus nog steeds mensen onder het puin liggen die leven en dus misschien/wellicht niet op tijd gered gaan worden. Die daar dus een langzame dood liggen te sterven.
En al die miljoenen die nu opgehaald worden misschien wel miljarden .is niet genoeg voor wat er gebeuren moet .al is het fijn dat er zoveel geld opgehaald wordt .dit laat geen mens onberoerd .
Heb niet de hele uitzending gezien heb n stukje gelopen in het zonnetje .even op andere gedachten komen .
weet dat er al ontzettend veel opgehaald is .maar er komt nog veel meer.
Am ende wird alles gut.und wen es nicht gut ist .ist es nicht das ende .

woensdag 15 februari 2023 om 21:02
Ja viel mij ook meteen op. Ook al zo'n smal bekkie.fashionvictim schreef: ↑15-02-2023 20:51Kijkt er niemand naar de speciale tv uitzending? Olcay is daar en zij is ook al zo afgevallen. Heel heftig om al die verhalen over hoe het daar nu is te horen.
vrijdag 17 februari 2023 om 08:00
Nou zeker, het ging door merg en been. Wat een verdriet.Yildizlar2 schreef: ↑16-02-2023 19:08Dat liedje van Karsu met de gedachte er achter , tranen met tuiten .
maandag 20 februari 2023 om 18:43
Grensgebied Turkije en Syrië opnieuw getroffen door een zware aardbeving - https://nos.nl/l/2464652
Wat een ellende..
Hopelijk vallen de gevolgen mee, maar het is weer een forse aardbeving..
Wat een ellende..

Hopelijk vallen de gevolgen mee, maar het is weer een forse aardbeving..
maandag 20 februari 2023 om 18:45
This comes from Raed al-Saleh, the head of the White Helmets
Dear Hima,
It has been two weeks since the devastating earthquake struck Syria, causing horror on a scale unlike anything we experienced even in the darkest hours of the Syrian conflict. To everyone who has donated, we thank you for standing beside us. To everyone who prayed, elevated our voices, and reached out to us from all over the world, your support has strengthened our resolve.
Your donation has saved lives. You and 90,000 others in 189 countries have donated since the earthquake struck, a heartwarming level of support that powers us forwards. That immediately helped us to purchase fuel and repair the equipment needed to shift the rubble and pull people stuck under buildings destroyed by the earthquake.
The men and women of the White Helmets saved almost 3,000 people from the destruction and were present in all 60 affected communities by the earthquake in northwest Syria. They worked around the clock to pull injured people from thousands of collapsed buildings in low temperatures, digging through dangerous aftershocks and under the weight of grief that so many of our own families and neighbors did not survive, including four White Helmets volunteers.
Earthquake rescue
My team has been doing the impossible and I am humbled by their courage and dedication. Over 5,800 people in Syria have died and since last Thursday there have been almost no survivors trapped under the rubble, but we continue to recover the bodies of the dead so that their families can bury them with dignity. Many of them are children.
Thousands of people have been displaced or left without homes, and now our teams are helping to assess the safety of homes in the area, removing debris and reopening roads, and surveying for unexploded bombs from the war. Our paramedics and women volunteers are touring the shelters to provide health and care to survivors. The work that remains is on a scale we have never seen before, but your generosity is going straight to supporting the communities who need it most.
We are the only organization in northwest Syria with the equipment and training to undertake heavy search and rescue and let me be clear: The White Helmets received no support from the United Nations during the most critical moments of the rescue operations. For days our calls to the UN went unheeded and countless lives were needlessly lost. In the absence of international aid we were left to do what we could with limited existing equipment and manpower. The generosity of individuals like you around the world allowed us to be there for our people in northwest Syria.
As we searched through the rubble of thousands of buildings, it was the local affected communities that helped us most: lending their cars and heavy vehicles to the response, helping to dig, and donating fuel they could have used to keep themselves warm.
The response to this earthquake is a devastating reminder of the world's indifference towards the suffering of the Syrian people. We have been ignored in the face of countless disasters at the hands of the Assad regime and Russia, and now after a natural disaster. Here, surrounded by heartbreak and devastation, I can only tell you that we did everything we could to save as many lives as possible. Thank you for being part of this response.
Raed al-Saleh
Raed al-Saleh
Donate to The White Helmets
The Syria Campaign is a human rights organisation that supports Syria’s heroes in their struggle for freedom, justice and democracy. Read more about our work here.
To ensure our emails reach your inbox, please add info@thesyriacampaign.org to your address book.
Online donations by credit card are processed by Voices Project USA and are tax deductible in the United States to the full extent allowable under the law. Online donations by PayPal are processed by The Voices Project (UK) and are not currently tax deductible in the US or available for gift aid in the UK. Voices Project USA Federal Identification Number is 82-3505967.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Syria needs all the support we can give it, but if you no longer want to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here.
Dear Hima,
It has been two weeks since the devastating earthquake struck Syria, causing horror on a scale unlike anything we experienced even in the darkest hours of the Syrian conflict. To everyone who has donated, we thank you for standing beside us. To everyone who prayed, elevated our voices, and reached out to us from all over the world, your support has strengthened our resolve.
Your donation has saved lives. You and 90,000 others in 189 countries have donated since the earthquake struck, a heartwarming level of support that powers us forwards. That immediately helped us to purchase fuel and repair the equipment needed to shift the rubble and pull people stuck under buildings destroyed by the earthquake.
The men and women of the White Helmets saved almost 3,000 people from the destruction and were present in all 60 affected communities by the earthquake in northwest Syria. They worked around the clock to pull injured people from thousands of collapsed buildings in low temperatures, digging through dangerous aftershocks and under the weight of grief that so many of our own families and neighbors did not survive, including four White Helmets volunteers.
Earthquake rescue
My team has been doing the impossible and I am humbled by their courage and dedication. Over 5,800 people in Syria have died and since last Thursday there have been almost no survivors trapped under the rubble, but we continue to recover the bodies of the dead so that their families can bury them with dignity. Many of them are children.
Thousands of people have been displaced or left without homes, and now our teams are helping to assess the safety of homes in the area, removing debris and reopening roads, and surveying for unexploded bombs from the war. Our paramedics and women volunteers are touring the shelters to provide health and care to survivors. The work that remains is on a scale we have never seen before, but your generosity is going straight to supporting the communities who need it most.
We are the only organization in northwest Syria with the equipment and training to undertake heavy search and rescue and let me be clear: The White Helmets received no support from the United Nations during the most critical moments of the rescue operations. For days our calls to the UN went unheeded and countless lives were needlessly lost. In the absence of international aid we were left to do what we could with limited existing equipment and manpower. The generosity of individuals like you around the world allowed us to be there for our people in northwest Syria.
As we searched through the rubble of thousands of buildings, it was the local affected communities that helped us most: lending their cars and heavy vehicles to the response, helping to dig, and donating fuel they could have used to keep themselves warm.
The response to this earthquake is a devastating reminder of the world's indifference towards the suffering of the Syrian people. We have been ignored in the face of countless disasters at the hands of the Assad regime and Russia, and now after a natural disaster. Here, surrounded by heartbreak and devastation, I can only tell you that we did everything we could to save as many lives as possible. Thank you for being part of this response.
Raed al-Saleh
Raed al-Saleh
Donate to The White Helmets
The Syria Campaign is a human rights organisation that supports Syria’s heroes in their struggle for freedom, justice and democracy. Read more about our work here.
To ensure our emails reach your inbox, please add info@thesyriacampaign.org to your address book.
Online donations by credit card are processed by Voices Project USA and are tax deductible in the United States to the full extent allowable under the law. Online donations by PayPal are processed by The Voices Project (UK) and are not currently tax deductible in the US or available for gift aid in the UK. Voices Project USA Federal Identification Number is 82-3505967.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Syria needs all the support we can give it, but if you no longer want to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here.
Ik heb geen wespentaille, ik heb een bijenrompje
maandag 20 februari 2023 om 18:46
LoiseauBicyclette schreef: ↑20-02-2023 18:43Grensgebied Turkije en Syrië opnieuw getroffen door een zware aardbeving - https://nos.nl/l/2464652
Wat een ellende..![]()
Hopelijk vallen de gevolgen mee, maar het is weer een forse aardbeving..

himalaya wijzigde dit bericht op 20-02-2023 18:53
13.98% gewijzigd
Ik heb geen wespentaille, ik heb een bijenrompje

maandag 20 februari 2023 om 18:51
Oh neeLoiseauBicyclette schreef: ↑20-02-2023 18:43Grensgebied Turkije en Syrië opnieuw getroffen door een zware aardbeving - https://nos.nl/l/2464652
Wat een ellende..![]()
Hopelijk vallen de gevolgen mee, maar het is weer een forse aardbeving..

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