Aaaaamerica's next topmoddel
maandag 5 januari 2015 om 22:41
Kijk! Ik bedoel maar! Universitair geschoold hair stylist. Dat hebben wij echt niet hoor!
The cosmetology industry is steadily growing. So much so, that the number of professional salon employees, 1.7 million greatly outnumbers the number of lawyers across the United States. Not only is the industry growing but so are the career possibilities. A cosmetologist can easily move into any number of jobs such as esthetician, hair stylist, makeup artist, product sales representative and many more.
The cosmetology industry is steadily growing. So much so, that the number of professional salon employees, 1.7 million greatly outnumbers the number of lawyers across the United States. Not only is the industry growing but so are the career possibilities. A cosmetologist can easily move into any number of jobs such as esthetician, hair stylist, makeup artist, product sales representative and many more.
Les temps sont durs pour les rêveurs...
maandag 5 januari 2015 om 22:42
quote:GeorgetteDansLeTabak schreef op 05 januari 2015 @ 22:41:
Kijk! Ik bedoel maar! Universitair geschoold hair stylist. Dat hebben wij echt niet hoor!
The cosmetology industry is steadily growing. So much so, that the number of professional salon employees, 1.7 million greatly outnumbers the number of lawyers across the United States. Not only is the industry growing but so are the career possibilities. A cosmetologist can easily move into any number of jobs such as esthetician, hair stylist, makeup artist, product sales representative and many more.Nee wij hebben Leco.
Kijk! Ik bedoel maar! Universitair geschoold hair stylist. Dat hebben wij echt niet hoor!
The cosmetology industry is steadily growing. So much so, that the number of professional salon employees, 1.7 million greatly outnumbers the number of lawyers across the United States. Not only is the industry growing but so are the career possibilities. A cosmetologist can easily move into any number of jobs such as esthetician, hair stylist, makeup artist, product sales representative and many more.Nee wij hebben Leco.
I’m doing superhero stuff. I’m staying focused. If anybody comes in here looking for trouble, oh, they’re going to meet my partners. We’re talking about paw and order.