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downton abbey

14-12-2013 21:01 10 berichten
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Wie praat me bij? ik heb de afgelopen 2 wkn gemist en ook ergens een keer 'het' wat Anna is overkomen en Bates dus niet kon voorkomen. En wat die knecht aan t bekonkelenfoezelen is en waar die dienstmied gebleven is die al eerder op downton gewerkt haf en in n hogere positie terugkwam.
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
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April 1922. A house party is held, including a performance by Dame Nellie Melba (Kiri Te Kanawa). Carson feels that 'an Australian singer' - however eminent - should not dine with the family, and proposes to restrict her to her room; Cora is outraged, and insists she join them for dinner. Lady Mary renews her acquaintance with the suave Lord Gillingham, who flirts mildly with her. His valet Mr Green gets too familiar with Anna, and whilst Dame Nellie is singing, he violently assaults and rapes her. Another guest, Lord Sampson, wins heavily at poker; Mr Gregson, Edith's publisher friend, believes him to be a card shark, and uses his own skill in that field to get their money back. Tom feels out of place amongst all the toffs; Edna, still pursuing him, takes advantage, and goes to his room. Anna makes Mrs. Hughes promise to not tell anybody, including Bates, about the rape because she is afraid Bates will kill Green and be hanged for it.

April 1922. Tom regrets his dalliance with Edna, who claims she could be pregnant, and wants to force him to marry her. He asks for help from Mrs Hughes, who discovers Edna used contraception, and warns her to be silent. Her plot foiled, Edna leaves. Lady Rose accompanies Mary and Tom to London where they stay with Lady Rosamund, who has sneakily invited Lord Gillingham to join them. They go to a jazz club, where Rose dances with a black singer, to the discomfort of the others. Anna feels she is no longer worthy of Bates, and avoids him, to his puzzlement. She moves back to the house from their cottage. Edith's friend Mr Gregson is about to depart for Germany; if he becomes a citizen, he may be able to divorce his insane wife. Lady Rosamund discovers that Edith has been out at night with Gregson, and warns her of the danger to her reputation. Lord Gillingham follows Mary back from London, and asks her to marry him: she refuses, saying she is not yet over Matthew.

May 1922. Alfred takes a test to train as a chef at The Ritz, under Escoffier, but is not accepted. Carson considers re-hiring the morose Mr. Molesley if Alfred leaves, but he's not happy about the demotion back to footman; unfortunately he dithers for too long over whether to accept, and loses the chance. Thomas sees Cora's new ladies maid Baxter as a replacement for Miss O'Brien, and wants her to make friends with everyone, and spy on them for him. When a tenant farmer dies owing lots of rent, Mary and Tom want to end the lease and run the farm themselves, but the son appeals directly to The Earl, who lends him money and agrees he can continue to farm. Cora has to persuade a nervous Mrs. Patmore to exchange their ice-box for a refrigerator. Edith visits a London doctor. Tom still feels he doesn't belong, and considers moving to the USA. Bates continues to pressure Anna, and tells Mrs Hughes he'll resign if she doesn't tell him the truth; she does, but denies it was Mr. Green, saying it was a stranger who broke in. Bates talks to Anna, and says he loves her more than ever; they reconcile. When Mrs Hughes tells him she's happy it's all over, Bates makes it clear that it is not - he still suspects it was Green. The Dowager Countess employs a new gardener as a favour to the kindly Mrs Crawley but thinks he has stolen from her whilst working inside the house.
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Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
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Netflix, ik zag het erop staan, jippie :-)
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via solarmovie.so kun je gemiste afleveringen prima terugkijken op je laptop
Zo'n leuke serie... verheug me op de kerstaflevering... Daarna helaas een hele lange wacht tot najaar 2014.. grr!
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Er waren toch geen afleveringen de afgelopen twee weken?
But if you hurt what's mine. I'll sure as hell retaliate.
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Op Nederland 2 wel gewoon hoor.

....damn, ik heb toch zo'n hekel aan dat sekreet Mr. Barrow....

Mr. Carson daarentegen en Mr. Bates
Some cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go. (Oscar Wilde)
Weet iemand wanneer de kerstaflevering is? Ga op vakantie en wil de recorder klaarzetten!
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Jeetje, gisteravond begonnen ze ineens op een vroeger tijdstip.

Ik had gelukkig de recorder aan staan maar dat is toch niet handig?

Wat vinden jullie trouwens van dit seizoen?

Ik begin het allemaal een beetje ongeloofwaardig te vinden; nu gaat Robert weer naar Amerika om zijn zwager te helpen?

Nichtje Rose met haar zanger vind ik helemaal niet leuk en dan die verkrachting van Anna; ze had toch ook aangifte kunnen doen zonder dat Bates daar bij betrokken werd?

Maar ach, ik blijf kijken, waarschijnlijk mis ik Matthew.

Gelukkig wijst Mary alle vrijers voorlopig nog even af...
en me vriend die wilt ook nog wat zegge

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