film The Donor
dinsdag 4 februari 2014 om 18:16
Hallo, ik heb het eind van de film The Donor gemist. Heb al gegoogled maar het enige wat ik tegen kom zijn trailers. Wie wil voor mij de moeite nemen om te zoeken.Film is afgelopen Vrijdag op sbs 6 geweest, maar de programmering was veranderd, vandaar het eind gemist. Het is een film uit 1994 van Andrew C Erin.. Alvast bedankt.

woensdag 5 februari 2014 om 08:18
TO heeft het over een film uit 1994 en volgens jou is hij uit 2011 en heeft ie een hele andere naam? En ook nog eens een heel andere plot. Ik snap het niet.
Neem aan dat TO deze bedoelt : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112886/
Maar geen idee waar je het eind kan vinden TO. Is hij niet gewoon te downloaden ergens?
Neem aan dat TO deze bedoelt : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112886/
Maar geen idee waar je het eind kan vinden TO. Is hij niet gewoon te downloaden ergens?

woensdag 5 februari 2014 om 08:25
En nee DH, die film is het niet. Ik denk tenminste dat TO de film bedoelt waarin een vrouw een nier nodig heeft, en die ook via een louche kanaal krijgt. Haar man is agent en krijgt in zijn functie te maken met een onbekende dode vrouw waarbij net een nier is verwijderd.
O, dat is inderdaad het plot van Final sale, zie ik nu.
O, dat is inderdaad het plot van Final sale, zie ik nu.
woensdag 5 februari 2014 om 15:28
The shocking story of the illegal human organ transplant trade here in the US and in how desperate people would go so far as involving themselves in it.
Which is in them going as far as murder in order to get an organ transplant for a dying loved one! In the movie L.A Detective Ryan Graves (Ivan Sergie), who has the worst case of 5 O'Clock shadow this side of Richard Nixon, gets in touch with hospital orderly Anthony, Alex Nesic, when all hopes fail to get his ailing wife Aly, Laura Harris, a desperately needed kidney transplant! Aly who's been told by her doctor that she has only two months to live without getting a new kidney which don't look good for her in Aly being on an organ transplant waiting list that's four to six years long! Ryan ready to pay any price and do anything gets in touch with Aly's doctor Dr. Hayworth, Reynaldo Rosales, in order to get her a new kidney legal or illegal! Dr. Hayworth directed Ryan to Anthony, an orderly in the hospital, who's connected with a major illegal human organ transplant ring operated by the notorious Mallano Crime Family! With Mallano Capo Domanic Pino,Jonathan LaPaglia, using the phony name of Dolan setting things up for her Aly ends up in this sleazy hotel room in downtown L.A to get her new kidney complement of the disbarred and drunk former Doctor Bowman, Robert Carradine.
The operation turned out to be a complete success for Aly but a total disaster for the young woman who donated her kidney to her illegal Mexican immigrant Rosa Garcia, Aidee Saigado, who dies on the operating table! With Ryan put on the case of Rosa Garcia's murder he knows that he in fact unknowingly made it all possible by getting in touch with the mob, in its illegal organ transplant operations, in order to save his dying wife Aly's life!
**SPOILERS** It's in fact Aly who knew nothing about what Ryan did for her who helped bust the Mallano organ transplant operation ring wide open by putting her life on the line to do it. Tracking down the Mob's safe house, a Catholic Church no less, where it kept illegal Mexican immigrants and the hotel where disbarred doctors, like Bowman, preformed the operations on them is what brought the "heat",LAPD & SWAT team, or wrath of God down on them with a holy vengeance! But by then it was too late for Rosa Garcia who died in order to give Aly Grave a second chance in life which Aly now feels was far from worth it!
Which is in them going as far as murder in order to get an organ transplant for a dying loved one! In the movie L.A Detective Ryan Graves (Ivan Sergie), who has the worst case of 5 O'Clock shadow this side of Richard Nixon, gets in touch with hospital orderly Anthony, Alex Nesic, when all hopes fail to get his ailing wife Aly, Laura Harris, a desperately needed kidney transplant! Aly who's been told by her doctor that she has only two months to live without getting a new kidney which don't look good for her in Aly being on an organ transplant waiting list that's four to six years long! Ryan ready to pay any price and do anything gets in touch with Aly's doctor Dr. Hayworth, Reynaldo Rosales, in order to get her a new kidney legal or illegal! Dr. Hayworth directed Ryan to Anthony, an orderly in the hospital, who's connected with a major illegal human organ transplant ring operated by the notorious Mallano Crime Family! With Mallano Capo Domanic Pino,Jonathan LaPaglia, using the phony name of Dolan setting things up for her Aly ends up in this sleazy hotel room in downtown L.A to get her new kidney complement of the disbarred and drunk former Doctor Bowman, Robert Carradine.
The operation turned out to be a complete success for Aly but a total disaster for the young woman who donated her kidney to her illegal Mexican immigrant Rosa Garcia, Aidee Saigado, who dies on the operating table! With Ryan put on the case of Rosa Garcia's murder he knows that he in fact unknowingly made it all possible by getting in touch with the mob, in its illegal organ transplant operations, in order to save his dying wife Aly's life!
**SPOILERS** It's in fact Aly who knew nothing about what Ryan did for her who helped bust the Mallano organ transplant operation ring wide open by putting her life on the line to do it. Tracking down the Mob's safe house, a Catholic Church no less, where it kept illegal Mexican immigrants and the hotel where disbarred doctors, like Bowman, preformed the operations on them is what brought the "heat",LAPD & SWAT team, or wrath of God down on them with a holy vengeance! But by then it was too late for Rosa Garcia who died in order to give Aly Grave a second chance in life which Aly now feels was far from worth it!