I’m doing superhero stuff. I’m staying focused. If anybody comes in here looking for trouble, oh, they’re going to meet my partners. We’re talking about paw and order.
I’m doing superhero stuff. I’m staying focused. If anybody comes in here looking for trouble, oh, they’re going to meet my partners. We’re talking about paw and order.
I’m doing superhero stuff. I’m staying focused. If anybody comes in here looking for trouble, oh, they’re going to meet my partners. We’re talking about paw and order.
I’m doing superhero stuff. I’m staying focused. If anybody comes in here looking for trouble, oh, they’re going to meet my partners. We’re talking about paw and order.
ja vond ik ook adembenemend ook wel een beetje scary, als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel...
Ik ook.
I’m doing superhero stuff. I’m staying focused. If anybody comes in here looking for trouble, oh, they’re going to meet my partners. We’re talking about paw and order.
Tja, wel knap zo'n circusact. maar ik vond die danser beter. niet te vergelijken. hierbij hield ik letterlijk mijn adem in, maar niet van bewondering maar omdat ik dacht dat zij naar beneden zou kletteren
Je hebt niet veel gemist een dansact en een circusact die niet zo goed ging.
I’m doing superhero stuff. I’m staying focused. If anybody comes in here looking for trouble, oh, they’re going to meet my partners. We’re talking about paw and order.
vrijdag 2 juni 2017 om 21:23
Ik vond die laatste in het rood echt wel te creepy hoor.
I’m doing superhero stuff. I’m staying focused. If anybody comes in here looking for trouble, oh, they’re going to meet my partners. We’re talking about paw and order.
I’m doing superhero stuff. I’m staying focused. If anybody comes in here looking for trouble, oh, they’re going to meet my partners. We’re talking about paw and order.
I’m doing superhero stuff. I’m staying focused. If anybody comes in here looking for trouble, oh, they’re going to meet my partners. We’re talking about paw and order.