ik zoek een serie

zaterdag 21 april 2012 om 17:53
zaterdag 21 april 2012 om 19:53
Alleen nooit in NL uitgezonden dus enkel beschikbaar zonder ondertiteling. Meer info is op www.imdb.com te vinden. Net als een compleet overzicht van alle series van de afgelopen jaren.
Alleen nooit in NL uitgezonden dus enkel beschikbaar zonder ondertiteling. Meer info is op www.imdb.com te vinden. Net als een compleet overzicht van alle series van de afgelopen jaren.

zaterdag 21 april 2012 om 22:18
Revenge heb ik pas nieuw ontdekt,erg leuk en spannend:
Emily Thorne (Emily VanCamp) comes to the Hamptons for the summer, renting a home next to the Grayson family to enjoy a bright summer. However, it's clear Emily has been to the Hamptons before as a little girl. In reality, Emily is Amanda Clarke, whose father was framed for a crime he didn't commit and sent to prison for life. She was permanently separated from him and never saw him again. Now, she's returned to the Hamptons, intent on getting revenge against those who wronged her and her father, the top of that list being Victoria Grayson (Madeleine Stowe), matriarch of the Grayson family and the woman whom her father loved and who, in the end, betrayed him.
As she sets her plan in motion, Emily tries to navigate the upper society to destroy those who betrayed her father. But the further she goes, the more her emotions get involved and the more she questions her motives and the moves she makes.
Emily Thorne (Emily VanCamp) comes to the Hamptons for the summer, renting a home next to the Grayson family to enjoy a bright summer. However, it's clear Emily has been to the Hamptons before as a little girl. In reality, Emily is Amanda Clarke, whose father was framed for a crime he didn't commit and sent to prison for life. She was permanently separated from him and never saw him again. Now, she's returned to the Hamptons, intent on getting revenge against those who wronged her and her father, the top of that list being Victoria Grayson (Madeleine Stowe), matriarch of the Grayson family and the woman whom her father loved and who, in the end, betrayed him.
As she sets her plan in motion, Emily tries to navigate the upper society to destroy those who betrayed her father. But the further she goes, the more her emotions get involved and the more she questions her motives and the moves she makes.
anoniem_130418 wijzigde dit bericht op 21-04-2012 22:18
Reden: spelfout
Reden: spelfout
% gewijzigd
zondag 22 april 2012 om 09:01

zondag 22 april 2012 om 09:02
Wie kan zich herinneren hoe de serie heet die een tijdje is uitgezonden op Net5, over een meisje dat redactrice is/wil worden bij een uitgeverij. Ze heeft regelmatig gesprekken met haar psycholoog (?), die ze steeds plotseling ontmoet wanneer ze een deur doorwandelt. Ze krijgt ook steeds flashbacks.
Jemig. Wat een slechte beschrijving. Maar ik weet niet hoe het beter zou kunnen.
Jemig. Wat een slechte beschrijving. Maar ik weet niet hoe het beter zou kunnen.