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je favoriete filmquotes

14-07-2016 22:48 156 berichten
De titel zegt het al; ik hou van filmquotes. Ik ben ook zo'n irritant wicht die uit het niets een quote citeert en dan vraagt: "welke film?"

Maar goed, anyway, hoe dan ook... Wat zijn volgens jullie mooie/leuke/grappige/geweldige filmquotes? Vooruit, series mag ook

Een paar van mijn favorieten:

Surely you can't be serious."

- "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley."


"Boo, you whore."

(Mean girls)

"I don't care if you are a man."

"I'm not a man."

"I still don't care."


En in de series heeft Karen Walker toch wel de leukste quotes:

"I find you appalling."

"Well, I find stretch pants appalling, but I'm too much of a lady to mention it, fat ass."

(Will & Grace)

Ik bedenk er gaandeweg nog wel meer hoor. Jullie iets toe te voegen?
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Blanche: Dorothy, when I'm feeling low self-esteem, I do a little exercise. I say my name and then three positive things about myself. I'm Blanche Devereaux. I'm beautiful, men find me desirable, and people want to be my friend. Dorothy, now you try it.

Dorothy: Ah, I don't want to.

Blanche: Come on. Please.

Dorothy: Okay. I'm Dorothy Zbornak, I'm beautiful, men find me desirable and people want to be my friend.

Blanche: Oh no, I think I confused you there. I meant three things that apply to you. Like, I'm Dorothy Zbornak, I'm a good speller, and uh... I'm very prompt, and umm... Well, there's no law that says there have to be three good things.

Dorothy: Um... I just thought of a third one: she can break a friend's neck like a twig.

Golden girls blijven hilarisch.
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I'll have what she's having - When Harry met Sally
Winter is coming...
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Peggy Bundy: "Hi All, did you miss me?"

All Bundy: "With every bullet so far."
Voortaan hier oostenwind en alle ruimte aan bodemloze putten van pure slechtheid. Juli 2020

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist.

The usual suspects
quote:topdropje schreef op 14 juli 2016 @ 23:32:

"That's all."

(Meryl Streep als Miranda Priestly in the Devil Wears Prada)

Jaajaja! Ik gebruik 'm weleens op werk. Niemand die 't snapt overigens .

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