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20-08-2018 17:02 12 berichten
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Begint bij 1:24:30
anoniem_370629 wijzigde dit bericht op 20-08-2018 17:32
2.08% gewijzigd
Wat is je vraag? Ik ben er niet naar op zoek in ieder geval.
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Ik ben er ook niet naar op zoek.
Mijn mening is gestippeld.
Jardier - Pieces, volgens Shazam.
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Nee dat is hem niet. Toch bedankt!
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Why dont we see the world together.. in google eerste hit
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Ik ben al jaren opzoek naar dit nummer, maar geen resultaat.
Volgens mij is het een liedje wat speciaal voor de show was geschreven.
Misschien nog via Wikipedia te vinden?
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At the end of the 'Saved by the Bell' movie "Wedding in Las Vegas" we see a flashback clip montage of many moments between Zack and Kelly. Who sings the song playing over this montage and what is it called?

The song was performed by Allen Sovory, but was written by Jay Gruska and Paul Gorden. (Jay Gruska did all the music for the Wedding in Las Vegas movie. He was a minor recording artist in the 70's or thereabouts and has since been doing scores and music for various TV shows and movies. You can look him up on the IMDB, if you are interested.)

Unfortunately, this song was never released. I wrote to Jay Gruska at his website and received this information in answer to my question. The person who answered my question said that NBC still holds the rights to that music, and it's possible that if enough people wrote to NBC to ask that it be released (perhaps on a soundtrack album), it could happen. (Scott Gale & Rich Eames did the music for the TV series and the Hawaiian Style movie, so the original SBTB soundtrack contains only their music.)
Damned if I don’t
Held :)
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Damned if I don’t
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Die montage van de flashbacks is op 1:19:00 helaas is dit niet het liedje wat ik zoek. Het lied is ietset 'why don t we seee the world together'. Ik denk dat die misschien toch speciaal voor de show is gemaakt :(.

Nogmaals het begint op 1:24:30

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