Overleden in showbizzland - deel 4
woensdag 22 juni 2022 om 08:52
...of overleden in andere publieke functies.. Nieuw topic!
Voor de annalen, check deel 2: entertainment/overleden-in-showbizzland ... ges/306633
en deel 3: entertainment/overleden-in-showbizzland ... start=3050
Voor de annalen, check deel 2: entertainment/overleden-in-showbizzland ... ges/306633
en deel 3: entertainment/overleden-in-showbizzland ... start=3050
Such fun!1
dinsdag 26 juli 2022 om 19:59
donderdag 28 juli 2022 om 21:38
donderdag 28 juli 2022 om 21:40
Ach nee! Wat een jeugdsentiment en wat relatief jong nog.dolfje schreef: ↑28-07-2022 21:38https://www.ad.nl/show/nos-presentatric ... ~a4f28b9e/
Leontien Ceulemans is overleden.
Am Yisrael Chai!

vrijdag 29 juli 2022 om 00:56
Ja, in mijn herinnering zou ze ouder zijn dan 70. Mischief door haar stem.
vrijdag 29 juli 2022 om 13:05
vrijdag 29 juli 2022 om 13:09
Dacht ik ook, maar scheelt maar een jaar. Och waarschijnlijk denk je dat mensen die bekend zijn van het jeugdjournaal ouder horen te zijn.puntillita schreef: ↑29-07-2022 00:56Ja, in mijn herinnering zou ze ouder zijn dan 70. Mischief door haar stem.
De waarheid is dat iedereen zomaar wat probeert

zondag 31 juli 2022 om 22:17
Sunday, 31 July 2022
Friends, Fans, Colleagues, World
I regret to inform you that a great light in the firmament no longer shines for us as it has for so many years.
Last night, my mother, Nichelle Nichols, succumbed to natural causes and passed away. Her light however, like the ancient galaxies now being seen for the first time, will remain for us and future generations to enjoy, learn from, and draw inspiration.
Hers was a life well lived and as such a model for us all.
I, and the rest of our family, would appreciate your patience and forbearance as we grieve her loss until we can recover sufficiently to speak further. Her services will be for family members and the closest of her friends and we request that her and our privacy be respected.
Live Long and Prosper,
Kyle Johnson
https://uhura.com/?fbclid=IwAR3dM0GN_7I ... ZFv7ov9m_0
Friends, Fans, Colleagues, World
I regret to inform you that a great light in the firmament no longer shines for us as it has for so many years.
Last night, my mother, Nichelle Nichols, succumbed to natural causes and passed away. Her light however, like the ancient galaxies now being seen for the first time, will remain for us and future generations to enjoy, learn from, and draw inspiration.
Hers was a life well lived and as such a model for us all.
I, and the rest of our family, would appreciate your patience and forbearance as we grieve her loss until we can recover sufficiently to speak further. Her services will be for family members and the closest of her friends and we request that her and our privacy be respected.
Live Long and Prosper,
Kyle Johnson
https://uhura.com/?fbclid=IwAR3dM0GN_7I ... ZFv7ov9m_0
maandag 1 augustus 2022 om 13:28
Saelle1 schreef: ↑31-07-2022 22:17Sunday, 31 July 2022
Friends, Fans, Colleagues, World
I regret to inform you that a great light in the firmament no longer shines for us as it has for so many years.
Last night, my mother, Nichelle Nichols, succumbed to natural causes and passed away. Her light however, like the ancient galaxies now being seen for the first time, will remain for us and future generations to enjoy, learn from, and draw inspiration.
Hers was a life well lived and as such a model for us all.
I, and the rest of our family, would appreciate your patience and forbearance as we grieve her loss until we can recover sufficiently to speak further. Her services will be for family members and the closest of her friends and we request that her and our privacy be respected.
Live Long and Prosper,
Kyle Johnson
https://uhura.com/?fbclid=IwAR3dM0GN_7I ... ZFv7ov9m_0

"I love not Man the less, but Nature more..."
zondag 7 augustus 2022 om 22:31
Magnum P.I.-acteur Roger E. Mosley (83) overleden
De Amerikaanse acteur Roger E. Mosley, vooral bekend van zijn rol als Theodore ’T.C.’ Calvin in de serie Magnum P.I., is overleden. Hij stierf zondag op 83-jarige leeftijd, meldt zijn dochter Ch-a op sociale media. Zij meldde zaterdag dat Mosley een zwaar auto-ongeluk had gehad.
De Amerikaanse acteur Roger E. Mosley, vooral bekend van zijn rol als Theodore ’T.C.’ Calvin in de serie Magnum P.I., is overleden. Hij stierf zondag op 83-jarige leeftijd, meldt zijn dochter Ch-a op sociale media. Zij meldde zaterdag dat Mosley een zwaar auto-ongeluk had gehad.
Relax we're all crazy, it's not a competition

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