Bar Too Much *149*

19-05-2007 00:31 701 berichten
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Ik? Een organisatorisch talent?!

OK dan...volgende miet is bij Blue. Tweede zaterdag van juni. Neem je oude kleren en verfrollers mee :D
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Truste Winx (en Meis?)
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Slaap lekker meiden
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Zei ik iemand te vroeg weltrusten?

Mik is helemaal voorzichtig geworden
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ik zit weer eens meerdere dingen tegelijk te doen, dus ik wist niet meer zeker meer of ik het nu goed had gelezen
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Vond het wel grappig hoor Mik!
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Ja jullie wel:@;)
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Ik ga trouwens ook lekker mijn bedje opzoeken, eens kijken of het nog net zo lekker ligt als gisteren.

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Slaap lekker Mikje
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Truste Mik, lekker dromen :D
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Snap best dat Mik bang is weer eens iemand voortijdig naar bed te sturen :P
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Voor Much

Sometimes I feel so happy

        sometimes I feel so sad

        Sometimes I feel so happy

        but mostly you just make me mad

        Baby, you just make me mad

        Linger on your pale blue eyes

        Linger on your pale blue eyes

        Thought of you as my mountain top

        thought of you as my peak

        Thought of you as everything

        I've had but couldn't keep

        I've had but couldn't keep

        Linger on your pale blue eyes

        Linger on your pale blue eyes

        If I could make the world as pure

        and strange as what I see

        I'd put you in a mirror

        I put in front of me

        I put in front of me

        Linger on your pale blue eyes

        Linger on your pale blue eyes

        Skip a life completely

        stuff it in a cup

        She said money is like us in time

        it lies but can't stand up

        Down for you is up

        Linger on your pale blue eyes

        Linger on your pale blue eyes

        It was good what we did yesterday

        and I'd do it once again

        The fact that you are married

        only proves you're my best friend

        But it's truly, truly a sin

        Linger on your pale blue eyes

        Linger on your pale blue eyes
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Please allow me to introduce myself

Im a man of wealth and taste

Ive been around for a long, long year

Stole many a mans soul and faith

And I was round when jesus christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain

Made damn sure that pilate

Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name

But whats puzzling you

Is the nature of my game

I stuck around st. petersburg

When I saw it was a time for a change

Killed the czar and his ministers

Anastasia screamed in vain

I rode a tank

Held a generals rank

When the blitzkrieg raged

And the bodies stank

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name, oh yeah

Ah, whats puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

I watched with glee

While your kings and queens

Fought for ten decades

For the gods they made

I shouted out,

Who killed the kennedys?

When after all

It was you and me

Let me please introduce myself

Im a man of wealth and taste

And I laid traps for troubadours

Who get killed before they reached bombay

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

But whats puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

But whats confusing you

Is just the nature of my game

Just as every cop is a criminal

And all the sinners saints

As heads is tails

Just call me lucifer

cause Im in need of some restraint

So if you meet me

Have some courtesy

Have some sympathy, and some taste

Use all your well-learned politesse

Or Ill lay your soul to waste, um yeah

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, um yeah

But whats puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down

Woo, who

Oh yeah, get on down

Oh yeah

Oh yeah!

Tell me baby, whats my name

Tell me honey, can ya guess my name

Tell me baby, whats my name

I tell you one time, youre to blame

Ooo, who

Ooo, who

Ooo, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Oh, yeah

Whats me name

Tell me, baby, whats my name

Tell me, sweetie, whats my name

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Oh, yeah
Toch altijd goede muziek in de bar....

Trusten maisjes
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Ha lieverd!

Ga je ook mee roti eten volgende week?
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Ik ben zes keer op en neer gelopen over de krukken zonder te vallen.

Had me voorgenomen het tien keer te doen, maar ik geloof het verder wel. Bedtijd
Moggûh Barrers :D

Roti eten? Lijkt mij lekkâh! Wanneer en waar?
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Smorgens dames.

Roti is nog een beetje vroeg hoor. Ben blij dat ik nog wat boterhammen vanochtend naar binnen kreeg. Voor de rest veel water en koffie.
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Beetje brak Bate?

Zo terug even zoonlief omkleden, die loopt ineens halfnaakt door het huis:o
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zo dan ik nu aan mijn koffie met stukkie vlaai. Leuk zo'n kind dat zichzelf kan uitkleden en dat dan ook heel stilletjes doet in een hoekkie. En dan ineens trots te voorschijn komt en zegt: Kijk mama, Zoonmik heeft uitegekleed!:P
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Oudste zoon zit thuis. Nadat de ene juf al sinds januari overspannen thuis zit (nee, heeft niks met school te maken), is nu ook juf 2 overspannen thuis (heeft ook niks met school te maken:@). Zelden zo'n onveilige klas meegemaakt.

Sorry dat ik alleen maar over mezelf praat. :$
Sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid. I thought you knew.
Egoposten mag, Mir ;).

Maar stuurt de school dan de klas naar huis? Is er helemaal geen vervanging?
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Wat waardeloos Mir  

Hoi trouwens!

Hela, roti doen we a.s zondag in Amsterdam.
;( dan kennik niet...... Ben weer kamperen dan.

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