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Kelly Roland, waar zingt ze over?

09-08-2013 11:28 5 berichten
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Gaat het over een gewelddadige ex of toch over ex bandgenoten?
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(Novum) - Kelly Rowland biecht in haar nieuwe single op dat ze jaloers was op het solosucces van Beyoncé. Op Dirty Laundry zingt Rowland dat zij boos was en zich naar voelde toen Beyoncé de ene na de andere hit scoorde. Rowland omschrijft de relatie met Beyoncé als 'bitterzoet'. "Zij stond aan de top, ik was down", zingt de 32-jarige zangeres, die net als Beyoncé deel uitmaakte van de onlangs herenigde meidengroep Destiny's Child. Toch zegt Rowland Beyoncé haar succes te gunnen.

Op Dirty Laundry onthult Rowland ook dat ze mishandeld werd door haar ex. "Ik werd geslagen. Hij sloeg tegen een raam alsof ik het was, totdat het brak. Hij zei: niemand houdt van je, niet je moeder, niet je vader en zeker niet Bey."

Destiny's Child viel in 2006 uiteen. De drie dames gingen solo verder, maar Beyoncé had veruit het meeste succes. Begin dit jaar kwam de meidengroep weer samen. De drie traden in februari voor het eerst weer op tijdens Beyoncés show in de pauze van de Super Bowl. Volgens Rowland zijn de dames sindsdien 'hechter dan ooit'.
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Ik vraag me al jaren af waar ze over zingt of wat ze zingt. Krijg altijd de kriebels van haar en dan geen positieve.
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Let’s do this dirty laundry, this dirty laundry

When you’re soaked in tears for years, it never airs out

When you make pain look this good it never wears out

This dirty laundry, this dirty laundry

[Verse 1]

While my sister was on stage, killing it like a motherf-cker

I was enraged, feeling it like a motherf-cker

Bird in a cage, you would never know what I was dealing with

Went out separate ways, but I was happy she was killing it

Bittersweet, she was up, I was down

No lie, I feel good for her, but what do I do now?

Forget the records

Off the record, I was going through some bullshit

Post-survivor, she on fire, who wanna hear my bullshit?

Meanwhile, this nigga putting his hands on me

I swear y’all don’t know the half of this industry


Let’s do this dirty laundry, this dirty laundry

Let’s do this dirty laundry, this dirty laundry

When you’re soaked in tears for years, it never airs out

When you make pain look this good it never wears out

This dirty laundry, this dirty laundry

[Verse 2]

And it’s almost been a decade

I’m behind them black shades

Roll up like it’s all good, right up out that escalade

Fix my make-up, “get it together, Kelly, get it together”

Then we make up, “well get it together, nigga, get it together”

Kinda lucky, I was in her shadow

Phone call from my sister, “what’s the matter?”

She said, “Oh no, baby - you gotta leave!”

I’m on the kitchen floor - he took the keys

I was mad at everybody, I mean everybody

Yeah, her, her, her her everybody

Five years later, I got my shit down pat

Think I had it good, and they don’t know how bad

Fooled everybody, except myself

Soaking in this hurt, bathing in the dirt


Let’s do this dirty laundry, this dirty laundry

Let’s do this dirty laundry, this dirty laundry

When you’re soaked in tears for years, it never airs out

When you make pain look this good it never wears out

This dirty laundry, this dirty laundry

[Verse 3]

So here I am in the spin cycle

We’re comin and we’re goin

Nobody can know this

And I was trapped in his house, lyin’ to my mama

Thought it could get no worse as we maximize the drama

Started to call them people on him

I was battered

He hittin the window like it was me, until it shattered

He pulled me out, he said, “Don’t nobody love you but me

Not your mama, not your daddy and especially not Bey”

He turned me against my sister

I missed ya


Let’s do this dirty laundry, this dirty laundry

Let’s do this dirty laundry, this dirty laundry

When you’re soaked in tears for years, it never airs out

When you make pain look this good it never wears out
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