Wel/niet/bijna/mogelijk zwanger en bevallen in showbizzland

vrijdag 8 augustus 2008 om 21:33
quote:dutchie1976 schreef op 08 augustus 2008 @ 21:16:
tja zo zie je maar photoshop kan iedereen mooi en dun maken...
Inderdaad. Maar hier haar reden om de fotosessie te doen:
The reason for exposing herself in this spread? Presley says she's firing back against people who, early in her pregnancy, posted unflattering photos of her and just accused her of having a large, unhealthy appetite.
"They want me to be him," she tells the magazine, referring to her father, Elvis Presley. "It's like they can't wait." Presley claims "the tabloids were going so far as to alter photos. I could never figure out why they went to all that trouble to make me look fat.
"There are at least six other famous women pregnant right now who aren't getting picked on," she says in the interview. "But they're all over me. It's like there is a campaign to demean me."
Says Presley: "You know what I think when I see those fat photos? I am not going to let them control me. I just let it all hang out. You want to look at me? Go ahead and look."
But Presley remains defiant when it comes to the fat-talk. "I am 5' 3," she says. "If I gain five pounds it shows." "I am trying to grow another human being," she adds. "Besides, I'm 40! I'm lucky to even be able to do this."
Taking stock of her life – and her pregnancy – Presley tells Marie Claire in the issue out Aug. 12 that she's growing emotionally as well. "We're all going to screw up," Presley says. "The important thing is, do you learn from it and not do it again? Can you make it better in the future? Can you change?
"I am in a happy place now," she says. "But it took a lot to get here. I wasn't always who I am now."
tja zo zie je maar photoshop kan iedereen mooi en dun maken...
Inderdaad. Maar hier haar reden om de fotosessie te doen:
The reason for exposing herself in this spread? Presley says she's firing back against people who, early in her pregnancy, posted unflattering photos of her and just accused her of having a large, unhealthy appetite.
"They want me to be him," she tells the magazine, referring to her father, Elvis Presley. "It's like they can't wait." Presley claims "the tabloids were going so far as to alter photos. I could never figure out why they went to all that trouble to make me look fat.
"There are at least six other famous women pregnant right now who aren't getting picked on," she says in the interview. "But they're all over me. It's like there is a campaign to demean me."
Says Presley: "You know what I think when I see those fat photos? I am not going to let them control me. I just let it all hang out. You want to look at me? Go ahead and look."
But Presley remains defiant when it comes to the fat-talk. "I am 5' 3," she says. "If I gain five pounds it shows." "I am trying to grow another human being," she adds. "Besides, I'm 40! I'm lucky to even be able to do this."
Taking stock of her life – and her pregnancy – Presley tells Marie Claire in the issue out Aug. 12 that she's growing emotionally as well. "We're all going to screw up," Presley says. "The important thing is, do you learn from it and not do it again? Can you make it better in the future? Can you change?
"I am in a happy place now," she says. "But it took a lot to get here. I wasn't always who I am now."
vrijdag 8 augustus 2008 om 22:19
zaterdag 9 augustus 2008 om 15:04
Ze heeft vast zulke dikke voeten dat ze geen schoenen meer past, dat had ik tenminste bij de eerste 2 zwangerschappen. Paste ik midden in de winter ook alleen maar slippers door al dat vocht! Ze heeft ook hele dikke vingers van het vocht, zagen we op een paar foto's geleden. Ik vind haar trouwens nog helemaal niet zo overdreven kolossaal, maar dat zegt meer iets over hoe enorm ik wel niet was.
Whatever, I do what I want

zaterdag 9 augustus 2008 om 18:26
quote:moon2 schreef op 08 augustus 2008 @ 20:39:
Delivery Seems Imminent As Gwen Stefani Arrives At The Hospital!
[afbeelding]Nee, ze was gewoon voor controle: Gwen Stefani arrived at the hospital in Los Angeles earlier this afternoon -- but don't get excited just yet! We hear she just had a prenatal appointment and it's not quite time for baby. With husband Gavin Rossdale playing a show in Seattle this evening, Gwen, 38, was accompanied by her assistant, Pete. Die foto is ook van die dag (7 augustus), maar weet natuurlijk niet wat er in de tussentijd is gebeurd.
Delivery Seems Imminent As Gwen Stefani Arrives At The Hospital!
[afbeelding]Nee, ze was gewoon voor controle: Gwen Stefani arrived at the hospital in Los Angeles earlier this afternoon -- but don't get excited just yet! We hear she just had a prenatal appointment and it's not quite time for baby. With husband Gavin Rossdale playing a show in Seattle this evening, Gwen, 38, was accompanied by her assistant, Pete. Die foto is ook van die dag (7 augustus), maar weet natuurlijk niet wat er in de tussentijd is gebeurd.

zondag 10 augustus 2008 om 14:02
quote:Zwangerschapsgeruchten Katie Holmes nemen toe
AMSTERDAM - De geruchtenmolen rond Katie Holmes draait op volle toeren. De actrice wordt belaagd door paparazzi nu meerdere entertainmentsites en kranten suggereren dat de actrice en haar man Tom Cruise een tweede kindje verwachten.
Eerder deze week verschenen verschillende foto's van de in wijdvallende kleding gestoken brunette, die door de straten van New York slentert. Zaterdag ging Holmes gekleed in een enkellange zwarte jurk een beginnend buikje lijkt te verbergen.
Ook probeert de actrice met een grote handtas haar buik buiten het oog van de camera's probeert te houden.
De 29-jarige Katie Holmes stapte eind 2006 in het huwelijksbootje met de zeventien jaar oudere filmster Tom Cruise. Zeven maanden eerder bracht ze dochtertje Suri ter wereld.
Tja, op de foto's vind ik het allemaal reuze meevallen.
AMSTERDAM - De geruchtenmolen rond Katie Holmes draait op volle toeren. De actrice wordt belaagd door paparazzi nu meerdere entertainmentsites en kranten suggereren dat de actrice en haar man Tom Cruise een tweede kindje verwachten.
Eerder deze week verschenen verschillende foto's van de in wijdvallende kleding gestoken brunette, die door de straten van New York slentert. Zaterdag ging Holmes gekleed in een enkellange zwarte jurk een beginnend buikje lijkt te verbergen.
Ook probeert de actrice met een grote handtas haar buik buiten het oog van de camera's probeert te houden.
De 29-jarige Katie Holmes stapte eind 2006 in het huwelijksbootje met de zeventien jaar oudere filmster Tom Cruise. Zeven maanden eerder bracht ze dochtertje Suri ter wereld.
Tja, op de foto's vind ik het allemaal reuze meevallen.