Bizarre beesten

17-08-2008 12:17 105 berichten
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Sommige dieren zijn zoooo bizar, vaak expres zo gefokt ook nog.

Bizar is leuk?

Totaal aantal stemmen: 17

Ja! (12%)
Neen! (53%)
Alweer een poll?! (35%)
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Oooh da's een Tarsier, die zijn lief!!!
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Ik heb wat met bizarre beesten geloof ik...
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Saiga antelope is classified as critically endangered by the IUCN. There is an estimated total number of 50,000 Saigas today, which live in Kalmykia, three areas of Kazakhstan and in two isolated areas of Mongolia.
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"The Mickey Mouse of the desert" - mouse-like rodent with a long tail, long hind legs for jumping, and exceptionally large ears. The jerboa, found in the deserts of Mongolia and China, is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List.

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