Optisch bedrog

12-06-2008 00:04 590 berichten
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Het is al laat en ik zat een beetje te googlen toen ik een optisch bedrog plaatje tegenkwam. Wat is dat toch fascinerend. Deel hier je optisch bedrog plaatjes.
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Als je heel lang kijkt gaan die spiralen heel gek draaien voor je ogen. Wel mooi.
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How many shelves do you see in this eye trick picture?

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Soort van.
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Here is another picture in our optical illusion gallery. Is it a man's face, or the word Liar -- tell the truth!

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4? Maar dat zal wel niet kloppen.
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Die van dat gebouw is wel mooi zeg.

Als je van links kijkt zie je het woord liar staan.
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Keep staring. This is one scary optical illusion. Keep looking, it might take up to a minute, but it'll look like she's opened her ghoulish eyes and is staring right at your soul! Aaaaaaa!
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At first, your mind will usually recognize the face in this optical illusion painting, but if you look at the woman's hair, you'll see that it's alive with another woman on a horse fighting a fire-breathing dragon. Do you see anything else happening in this opticial illusion art painting?

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Ja ik zag het. Ik vind dit soort dingen zo leuk. Ik had wel meer posts van andere mensen verwacht.
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Of hebben we alles al?
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Mona Lisa looks just fine in the first picture, but there is something terribly wrong with her in the second. She is frowning and her eyes are looking down or they are upside down. Now, turn your head upside down... c'mon it's not that hard! And look at the second picture. The face will pretty much look fine to you. Both of the pictures will look very similar if you do this.

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Neeee we hebben nog niet alles!
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Die is ook grappig!
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quote:Rits schreef op 12 juni 2008 @ 11:50:

[afbeelding]Kan iemand mij deze uitleggen? Fascinerend!
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Cristiane, ben ook aan het puzzelen. Rits. Vertel eens...
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Ik snap 'm ook niet!

Maar vind 'm wel gaaf.
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Explanation: Actually the shapes in this optical illusion drawing are NOT the same. The two triangles are actually different from eachother in each picture. In fact, the graph paper may even be slightly stretched to enhance this optical illusion. The hypotenuse(that's the diagonal line) of the triangles are actually different. Depending on which picture you are looking at, they slightly bow in and out. In addition, they are spaced a little farther apart, but your eye tends to follow the black lines as if nothing has changed. This might be a great page to print out, and cut with scissors to more carefully study this optical illusion
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This is a pretty neat optical illusion. You keep getting deeper and deeper into. Click on the image for a larger version. When staring into the middle it appears as though the black hole is getting larger and larger, or that you’re falling into it.

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