alle pijlers
Seks klets topic deel 2
donderdag 29 juli 2010 om 23:02
Hallo allen. Ik heb de eer het tweede kletstopic te openen!
Er gelden een paar regels, opgesteld door engel 3:
- Alle gewone forumregels gelden hier ook! Dat betekent dus óók: niet hengelen, niet linken naar of plaatsen van pornografisch materiaal, geen 'opgeilverhaaltjes' (expliciete erotische verhalen).
- Er is één sekskletstopic, dat is deze. Op dit topic is iedereen die zich aan de regels houdt welkom!
- In de andere topics op de sekspijler wordt niet doorgekletst, geslowchat, of wat dan ook. Daar is dit topic, en dit topic alleen voor.
Tot slot: mocht dit topic allerhande nieuwe hengelaars aantrekken, doe jezelf en mij een lol, en druk op die toverstaf .
Heel veel plezier!!
En een dikke kus van Roos.
Er gelden een paar regels, opgesteld door engel 3:
- Alle gewone forumregels gelden hier ook! Dat betekent dus óók: niet hengelen, niet linken naar of plaatsen van pornografisch materiaal, geen 'opgeilverhaaltjes' (expliciete erotische verhalen).
- Er is één sekskletstopic, dat is deze. Op dit topic is iedereen die zich aan de regels houdt welkom!
- In de andere topics op de sekspijler wordt niet doorgekletst, geslowchat, of wat dan ook. Daar is dit topic, en dit topic alleen voor.
Tot slot: mocht dit topic allerhande nieuwe hengelaars aantrekken, doe jezelf en mij een lol, en druk op die toverstaf .
Heel veel plezier!!
En een dikke kus van Roos.
maandag 9 augustus 2010 om 02:33
maandag 9 augustus 2010 om 02:35
maandag 9 augustus 2010 om 02:42
maandag 9 augustus 2010 om 02:42
Raw score: 76%
You're just about as deep in sexual hellfire as a person can get. Virtually no urge, however demented, will go ungratified; practically no boundary will go uncrossed. You're probably proud of your adventurousness, and, honestly, you should be. Few people are confident enough to pursue pleasure on their own terms.
Your morals could sink a bit further, sure, but it's likely that you've got a pretty good idea of what you're into and what you would do...above all you're honest with yourself with what you want. If more people were honest with themselves, you'd have a lot more company down in the flames.
AVOID: the lost souls in sexual heaven and (above all) the denizens of sexual purgatory. You don't need any prudes or wishy-washers in your life.
Raw score: 76%
You're just about as deep in sexual hellfire as a person can get. Virtually no urge, however demented, will go ungratified; practically no boundary will go uncrossed. You're probably proud of your adventurousness, and, honestly, you should be. Few people are confident enough to pursue pleasure on their own terms.
Your morals could sink a bit further, sure, but it's likely that you've got a pretty good idea of what you're into and what you would do...above all you're honest with yourself with what you want. If more people were honest with themselves, you'd have a lot more company down in the flames.
AVOID: the lost souls in sexual heaven and (above all) the denizens of sexual purgatory. You don't need any prudes or wishy-washers in your life.
maandag 9 augustus 2010 om 02:53
Aanvulling op mijn Hell test:
There's a special place in Hell for you: the basement penthouse. You scored the nastiest possible score on the Sexual Hell Test. You have no sexual restraint whatsoever. You'll take pleasure however you can get it, and my guess is you get it a lot. If for some reason you don't right now, you will soon, as people in your category only tend to spiral down ever deeper into the abyss of carnality and delicious sin. Congratulations.
I, personally, think that this category is the best. Paradoxically enough, sexual liberation and indulgence can only bring you closer to purity.
AVOID: all but level 3 hellions like yourself. You wouldn't want to ruin anyone, now would you?
There's a special place in Hell for you: the basement penthouse. You scored the nastiest possible score on the Sexual Hell Test. You have no sexual restraint whatsoever. You'll take pleasure however you can get it, and my guess is you get it a lot. If for some reason you don't right now, you will soon, as people in your category only tend to spiral down ever deeper into the abyss of carnality and delicious sin. Congratulations.
I, personally, think that this category is the best. Paradoxically enough, sexual liberation and indulgence can only bring you closer to purity.
AVOID: all but level 3 hellions like yourself. You wouldn't want to ruin anyone, now would you?
maandag 9 augustus 2010 om 02:55
You scored 42 percent perverse!
Your experiences and life style have begun to compromise the moral standards of society. Ohh what fun! You have enough perversity to shame your parents and blush the cheeks of your friends and co-workers. Keep reaching for your dreams and someday you may become professionally perverse.
You scored 42 percent perverse!
Your experiences and life style have begun to compromise the moral standards of society. Ohh what fun! You have enough perversity to shame your parents and blush the cheeks of your friends and co-workers. Keep reaching for your dreams and someday you may become professionally perverse.