Is extreem rechts aan het bewapenen?

06-06-2010 21:03 1059 berichten
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Telegraaf coryfee Bob Smalhout, wiens column over Wilders op de PVV-site staat te glimmen, blijkt voldoende wapentuig in huis te hebben om een eigen terreurgroep mee te kunnen bewapenen.

Nadat eerder de nummer vijf op de kandidatenlijst van de PVV, Gidi Markuszower, ook al betrapt was op het hanteren van een vuurwapen zonder vergunning, begin ik mij toch af te vragen wie er nou de échte terroristen zijn waar we bang voor moeten zijn........
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quote:_avril_ schreef op 30 juli 2011 @ 11:42:


Precies, je doet alsof je er alles vanaf weet, maar je uitspraken verklappen dat je er totaal niets vanaf weet.


Nogmaals, Breivik en vd Vlis, twee compleet verschillende mensen. vd Vlis was suicidaal en al jaren in behandeling, Breivik niet.


Bij vd Vlis was dat niet Wilders of extreem rechts, maar stemmen in zijn hoofd, obsessie met de dood, obsessie met geweren en geweld. Hij was gefascineerd door Columbine. Heel ander verhaal dan Breivik dus.


Met deze uitspraak laat je zien dat je echt geen zak weet van deze geestesziekte. Het is kwetsend en heel plat wat je hier neerzet.


Als mensen bepaalde aandoeningen zelf toebedelen aan anderen en daaraan conclusies verbinden, dan zegt dat iets over hun. Er finaal overheen walsen dat schizofrenie wel degelijke een specifieke aandoening is, welke goed te diagnostiseren is en doen alsof het een overkoepelend modetermpje is, is een demonstratie dat je totaal niet weet wat je zegt.


En hier sla je de plank ook weer geheel mis. Schizofrenie betekent niet dat je op een paar vage punten een beetje anders gedraagt. Schizofrenie verstoort iemands geesteswereld compleet, kan soms nauwelijks meer functioneren. Mensen maken een einde aan hun leven door deze aandoening. Je weet niet half hoe kwetsend je bezig bent, door te beweren, dat schizofrenie een beetje vaag anders gedrag is. Terwijl het een zeer zware aandoening betreft. Niks vaag, niks een beetje. Je zal eraan lijden, dan piep je wel anders.


Ik reik een oorzaak aan: jouw obsessie met extreem rechts en het alles aan willen grijpen, zodat het in jouw complotdenken over dit fenomeen past. En daarbij schaamteloos een geesteszieke jongen als vd Vlis op een hoop gooit met Breivik, omdat het zo goed in jouw eigen verhaal past. Daarmee bagataliseert wat schizofrenie is, en vd Vlis ineens rechts extremistisch gedachtengoed toebedeeld. Dat je dit over de rug van slachtoffers en nabestaanden doet maakt je niet uit, jij hebt een zaak te bepleiten, maakt niet uit wat je daarvoor aangrijpt en over wiens rug dat gebeurt.Precies, dat is wat hier gebeurt.
De zin van het leven, die schrijf je zelf.
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Ik heb al eerder deze link gepost, maar doe het dan nog maar een keer:

Hier staan de criteria voor de diagnose schizofrenie.

De kans dat iemand met vage klachten als schizofreen wordt gediagnosticeerd is te verwaarlozen.
De zin van het leven, die schrijf je zelf.
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Eens met Jaap!

Zelfde strekking als de Oslo topics.
quote:gaia9 schreef op 30 juli 2011 @ 12:02:

Eens met Jaap!

Zelfde strekking als de Oslo topics.OM met jaaps stokpaardje te komen, probeer eens een inhoudelijke reactie.
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http://www.thejakartapost ... 1/07/29/cikeusik-verdict-‘chilling’-message-minorities.html
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Cikeusik verdict ‘chilling’ message to minorities

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 07/29/2011 8:00 AM

A | A | A | In a verdict that was blasted by human rights advocates and the global community as a blow to religious freedom, a Banten court gave a slap on the wrist to 12 people involved in killing three Ahmadis in Cikeusik the Feb. 6.

The Serang District Court sentenced the 12 defendants on Thursday to between three and six months in jail for “inciting hatred” against the minority Ahmadis.

The 10 defendants, including cleric Ujang Muhammad Arif, who allegedly incited the attack on the Ahmadis, were sentenced to six months in jail. One defendant, Idis bin Mahdani, was sentenced to five months and 15 days in prison, while juvenile defendant Dani bin Misra was sentenced to three months in prison.

They were cleared of all other charges, which included illegal possession of sharp weapons, destruction of property, mistreatment of others, participating in an assault, involvement in an attack and attacking others and causing serious injury or death.

Presiding judge Cipta Sinuraya was quoted by as saying that the deadly attack was actually provoked by the Ahmadis. He said that the 12 defendants deserved light sentences because they showed deep regret for their actions.

The controversial verdict, which is slightly lighter than the prosecutors’ demands, has triggered a storm of criticism from human rights defenders and the international community including the United States and the European Union.

Human Rights Watch says the light sentences “reflect the authorities’ weak efforts to prosecute the case”.

Elaine Pearson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch, says the trial sends “the chilling message that attacks on minorities like the Ahmadiyah will be treated lightly by the legal system”.

The US said in a statement that it was disappointed by “the disproportionately light sentences” and called on Indonesia to “defend its tradition of tolerance for all religions”.

The EU also joined the criticism, saying that it shared the concerns “voiced by many Indonesians that sentences imposed for violent crimes against religious or other minorities should always be commensurate with the gravity of the crimes committed”.

The Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (Elsam) focused its criticism on the weak charges brought against the defendants. Elsam director Indriaswati Dyah Saptaningrum said the killing was no ordinary crime. “Three people were killed during the riot. We should not charge the defendants only with public incitement.”

This is not the first time that radicals committing religious violence were found guilty of only public incitement.

In June, Syihabuddin was sentenced to one year in prison for inciting a riot in Temanggung that led to the burning of three churches. In 2008, Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab was sentenced to 18 months in prison by the Central Jakarta District Court for inciting hatred and instigating violence against participants of a peace rally at the National Monument (Monas).

Unlike the Cikeusik riot, there were no fatalities in the Temanggung and Monas incidents.

Dyah said the Ciekusik trial should be seen as a warning to minorities that the judiciary might not save them from persecution. “The judiciary is powerless to punish radical groups that assault minorities.”

The defendants’ lawyer from the Muslim Defense Team (TPM), Mahendradatta, said his clients cannot be blamed for the attack on the Ahmadis. “The Ahmadis started the riot. That’s clear,” he said.

“So many people get [the defendants] wrong. I think this is another form of human rights violation against my clients,” he added.

He said his team agreed that the investigation should find the people behind the riot, but he refused to say his clients were responsible for killing the three Ahmadis. “I agree that we should find the masterminds, but who are they?”


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quote:_avril_ schreef op 30 juli 2011 @ 12:10:


OM met jaaps stokpaardje te komen, probeer eens een inhoudelijke reactie.

Die staat in o.a. de laatste post van Jaap. En in mijn posts hier en op andere topics.

Ik zeg: de enige manier is een eigen politieke partij dan wel beweging oprichten en/of een landelijke opstand regelen. Ik ben er wel klaar mee dat mensen, inclusief politici, massaal hun kop in het zand steken. Ben reeds aan de slag dus heb het er maar druk mee

Inhoud duidelijk?
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http://www.thejakartapost ... ce-sought-ahmadi-man.html
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Mobs burn 3 ‘illegal churches’ in Riau

Rizal Harahap and Yemris Fointuna, The Jakarta Post, Pekanbaru/Kupang | Fri, 08/05/2011 8:00 AM

A | A | A | Angry mobs set fire to three houses believed to be used illegally as churches in Logas Tanah Darat district in Riau’s Kuantan Sengingi regency.

The incidents took place simultaneously, starting with two houses in Pasarbaru Pangean and Logas Tanah Darat villages around midnight on Aug. 1.

The next day at around 11 p.m. local time, a mob marched to Sungai Langsat hamlet in Pasarbaru Pangean village and set fire to a house also believed to be used as a church. The timber structure quickly collapsed under the flames.

Sungai Langsat villagers said the house was used by the GMI Christian congregation to hold services. They claimed 15 people worshipped at the house every weekend.

Other residents claimed they felt violated after learning that the house was used as a place of worship without relevant permits from the authorities.

The police, who did not respond to the first two incidents of arson, claimed they were in control of the situation and that there were no casualties.

Kuantan Sengingi Police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Ristiawan Bulkhaini said 21 people who knew of and witnessed the attacks were questioned, but no suspects have been named.

“Based on information we gathered, the houses were used for religious gatherings. However, the

congregation grew rapidly so the homes were turned into houses of worship, thus raising complaints from other locals,” Ristiawan said Thursday.

He called on the Christian congregations to move their religious activities to locations permitted by the local administration and religious affairs agency.

“The act of people taking the law into their own hands cannot be tolerated because violence will not resolve the issue. The case will be investigated thoroughly before it spreads to other areas,” he added.

In Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), interfaith youth leaders agreed Thursday to maintain religious tolerance in West Timor by running campaigns for nonviolence.

The signing of the joint agreement was attended by representatives of the GMI Church in Timor (GMIT), the Christian Church Communication Forum, Kupang Grand Diocese Catholic Youth, Madaris Institute, Islamic Students Association (HMI), Hindu Dharma Indonesia and a number of other groups.

“The interfaith gathering in Kupang concluded that the most suitable method was to build an active nonviolent movement, to fight violence without violence,” GMIT leader Winston Rondo said Thursday

in Kupang.

He added that the movement was carried out amid increased concerns over religious intolerance in the country.

“For that reason, we are committed to developing an active nonviolence movement in NTT to inspire a peaceful Indonesia without violence,” Rondo said.

He said the nonviolence movement was supported by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) in Indonesia, a US NGO that campaigns for global peace across the world.

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