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Gezocht: Liedje over een Wedding Dress

11-09-2011 19:57 8 berichten
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Ik zoek een liedje waarin een stukje zit dat lijkt op:

And I'll be there, happy everafter

In my most beautiful weddingdress

lalalalaala... Yes I do

Ik kan dit stukje zingen, maar dat werkt helaas niet met Shazam.

Lyrics ook nergens te googlen dus ik heb jullie hulp nodig!
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Stevie Ann/ The Poetry Man

Nederlandse zangeres

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Songtekst: Stevie Ann - "the poetry man"

I haven't been hungry for days

I bet you can tell by the look of my face

No one sees the flame that keeps me up at night

I'm dreaming over and over again

I know exactly where I wanna land

But I'm scared to make my first flight

No I don't exactly remember, how or what went wrong

But what I do know for sure is that I'm no longer blind to see his

colourful charm

And I'll be there happy ever after in my white beautiful wedding dress

And he will kiss me after we both say, yes I do

If I wake up in a fairy tail

With lovely elfs around my bed

They bring me coffee in the morning

And they paint a picture in my head

The only thing I'd have to do

Is worry about you

No don't do this to me

I might be changing my own ways

No I don't exactly remember, how or what went wrong

But what I do know for sure is that I'm no longer blind to see his

colourful charm

And I'll be there happy ever after in my white beautiful wedding dress

And he will kiss me after we both say, yes I do

Ow he makes me feel

Like there is al whole other space

To fill with joy and grace

No I don't exactly remember, how or what went wrong

But what I do know for sure is that I'm no longer blind to see his

colourful charm

And I'll be there happy ever after in my white beautiful wedding dress

He will kiss me after we both say, yes I do

Yeah he will kiss me after we both say yes I do
Wat gij niet wilt dat u geschiedt, doe dat ook een ander niet.
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Stevie Ann, poetryman
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Ow geweldig!!! Nu begint het te dagen inderdaad! DANK JULLIE WEL!
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