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Welke songtekst/lyrics vind jij echt goed en waarom?

07-06-2014 00:27 154 berichten
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Plaats hier (delen van) songteksten die jou zijn bijgebleven en/of die je mooi vindt. Muziek zit er vanzelf aan vast dus vergeet niet om er een link bij te zetten. Ik ben benieuwd

Ik zal beginnen:


"Try" Nelly Furtado

All I know

Is everything is not as it's sold

but the more I grow the less I know

And I have lived so many lives

Though I'm not old

And the more I see, the less I grow

The fewer the seeds the more I sow

Then I see you standing there

Wanting more from me

And all I can do is try

Then I see you standing there

Wanting more from me

And all I can do is try

I wish I hadn't seen all of the realness

And all the real people are really not real at all

The more I learn, the more I learn

The more I cry, the more I cry

As I say goodbye to the way of life

I thought I had designed for me

Then I see you standing there

Wanting more from me

And all I can do is try

Then I see you standing there

I'm all I'll ever be

But all I can do is try


All of the moments that already passed

We'll try to go back and make them last

All of the things we want each other to be

We never will be

And that's wonderful, and that's life

And that's you, baby

This is me, baby

And we are, we are, we are, we are


In our love

We are free in our love

En deze zinnen vind ik het mooist.
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou.
Als je gaat van de cd Mijn gevoel van André

Is onze liefde echt van lange duur

Of komt er tussen ons een hoge muur

Onzekerheid bij mij , jij leefde altijd vrij

Stel me niet teleur , jij bent zo dichtbij

De nacht verdwijnt als ik je stem maar hoor

Ik wil je bellen , hoop dat ik niet stoor

Als ik maareven weet dat jij me niet vergeet

Want ik wil niet meer leven zonder jou

Ja als je gaat , neem mij dan mee

Ik wil je slaaf zijn zeg nu geen nee

Mijn liefde gaat heel ver

Daar zijn geen woorden voor

Dit gevoel heb ik nog nooit gekend

Ja als je gaat neem mij dan mee

Ik zal je slaaf zijn , laat me nooit alleen

Voor altijd hier bij mij

Mijn leven dat ben jij

Ik smeek je ga niet weg of neem me mee

Ik vraag misschien wel veelste veel van jou

Dat komt omdat ik zoveel van je hou

De warmte die jij geeft , heb ik nog nooit beleefd

Toe laat me alsjeblieft nooit alleen

Ja als je gaat , neem mij dan mee

Ik zal je slaaf zijn , zeg nu geen nee

Mijn liefde gaat heel ver

Daar zijn geen woorden voor

Dit gevoel heb ik nog nooit gekend

Ja als je gaat , neem mij dan mee

Ik zal je slaaf zijn , laat me nooit alleen

Voor altijd hier bij mij

Mijn leven dat ben jij

Ik smeek je ga niet weg of neem me mee
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Ik heb Goodnight Saigon van Billy Joel altijd heel mooi gevonden. Niet romantisch of over gevoelens maar een simpele beschrijving van hoe jonge jongens de Vietnam-oorlog werden ingestuurd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qjzjhl-QztE

We met as soul mates

On Parris Island

We left as inmates

From an asylum

And we were sharp

As sharp as knives

And we were so gung ho

To lay down our lives

We came in spastic

Like tameless horses

We left in plastic

As numbered corpses

And we learned fast

To travel light

Our arms were heavy

But our bellies were tight

We had no home front

We had no soft soap

They sent us Playboy

They gave us Bob Hope

We dug in deep

And shot on sight

And prayed to Jesus Christ

With all of our might

We had no cameras

To shoot the landscape

We passed the hash pipe

And played our Doors tapes

And it was dark

So dark at night

And we held on to each other

Like brother to brother

We promised our mothers we'd write

And we would all go down together

We said we'd all go down together

Yes we would all go down together

Remember Charlie

Remember Baker

They left their childhood

On every acre

And who was wrong?

And who was right?

It didn't matter in the thick of the fight

We held the day

In the palm

Of our hand

They ruled the night

And the night

Seemed to last as long as six weeks

On Parris Island

We held the coastline

They held the highlands

And they were sharp

As sharp as knives

They heard the hum of our motors

They counted the rotors

And waited for us to arrive

And we would all go down together

We said we'd all go down together

Yes we would all go down together
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Nog eentje dan: Bridge over troubled water van Simon and Garfunkel. Prachtige tekst en er zijn meerdere mooie versies van. Bijvoorbeeld die van Elvis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLbOBoa8vD8

When you're weary, feeling small,

when tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all;

I'm on your side, oh when times get rough

and friends just can't be found,

like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down,

like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down.

When you're down and out,

when you're on the street, when evening falls so hard, I will comfort you.

I'll take your part,

oh when darkness comes

and pain is all around,

like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down,

like a bridge over trouble water I will lay me down.

Sail on silver girl,

sail on by,

your time has come to shine.

All your dreams are on their way.

See how they shine.

Oh, if you need a friend. I'm sailing right behind,

like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind,

like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind.
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Maaike ouboter...

Songtekst staat bij de video...

Haast, ik moet niet vergeten te zwaaien,als ik mezelf voorbij loop...
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Taal van mijn hart door Stef Bos

Kijk de zon staat aan de hemel

Dit is het einde van de nacht

Ik was verdwaald in het donker

Ik vond mijn weg terug op de tast

Vroeger was ik rijk aan woorden

Ik ben verstild, ik ben veranderd

Mijn stem, mijn stem bleef branden

Dit is het vuur, jij mag je warmen

Ik heb mijn spiegelbeeld zien vallen

Ik lag in scherven op de grond

Ik heb mezelf leren kennen

Als een held en als een hond

Er is niet zoveel meer over

Van al mijn tedere geweld

Ik ken nu ook mijn donkere kant

Ik heb vrede met mezelf

Ik zing de taal van mijn hart

Hoor de taal van mijn hart

Ook al klink ik soms gebroken

Gebroken en verward

Het is de taal van mijn hart

Ik ben te nemen of te laten

Je mag van me houden

Je mag me ook haten

Ik ben wie ik ben


Mijn vrouw zong en ik begeleide op piano.

Goede herinnering.
volg je verstand, gebruik je gevoel
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Ben Howard, Keep your head up....

Deed me altijd erg goed tijdens een moeilijke periode. Veel herkenning...

I spent my time, watching

The spaces that have grown between us.

And I cut my mind on second best,

Oh the scars that come with the greenness.

And I gave my eyes to the boredom,

Still the seabed wouldn't let me in.

And I try my best to embrace the darkness

In which I swim.

Now walking back down this mountain,

The strength of a turnin' tide.

Oh the wind so soft at my skin,

Yeah the sun so hot upon my side.

Oh lookin' out at this happiness

I searched for between the sheets,

Oh feelin' blind, to realise,

All I was searchin' for... was me.

Oh oh-oh, all I was searchin' for was me.

Oh yeah, keep your head up, keep your heart strong.

No, no, no, no, keep your mind set, keep your hair long.

Oh my, my darlin', keep your head up, keep your heart strong.

Na, oh, no, no, keep your mind set in your ways.

Keep your heart strong.

Now I saw a friend of mine, the other day,

And he told me that my eyes were gleamin'.

Oh I said I'd been away, and he knew...

Oh he knew the depths I was meanin'.

And it felt so good to see his face,

All the comfort invested in my soul,

Oh to feel the warmth, of his smile,

When he said, 'I'm happy to have you home'.

Oh oh-oh, I'm happy to have you home.

Oh yeah, keep your head up, keep your heart strong.

No, no, no, no, keep your mind set, keep your hair long.

Oh my, my darlin', keep your head up, keep your heart strong.

No, no, no, no, keep your mind set in your ways.

Well keep your heart strong.

'Cause I'll always remember you the same.

Oh eyes like wildflowers, oh with your demons of change.

(Keep your head up)

(Keep your heart strong)

(Keep your head up)

(Keep your heart strong) May you find happiness here.

(Keep your head up)

(Keep your heart strong)

(Keep your head up)

(Keep your heart strong) May all your hopes all turn out right.

Keep your head up, keep your heart strong.

No, no, no, no, keep your mind set, keep your hair long.

Oh my, my darlin', keep your head up, keep your heart strong.

No, no, no, no, keep your mind set in your ways.

Keep your heart strong.

'Cause I'll always remember you the same.

Oh eyes like wildflowers, oh with your demons of change.
Prince - Sometimes it snows in April. Het gaat over het verlies van een vriend, de herinnering, en de hoop op leven na de dood. Voor mij symboliseert dit het proces waar ik bij verlies doorheen ga. Maar eigenlijk moet je het nr luisteren en niet lezen, omdat ook juist de manier waarop het gezongen wordt de betekenis meegeeft.

Tracy died soon after a long fought civil war,

Just after I'd wiped away his last tear

I guess he's better off than he was before,

A whole lot better off than the fools he left here

I used to cry for Tracy because he was my only friend

Those kind of cars don't pass you every day

I used to cry for Tracy because I wanted to see him again,

But sometimes sometimes life ain't always the way

Sometimes it snows in April

Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad

Sometimes I wish life was never ending,

And all good things, they say, never last

Springtime was always my favorite time of year,

A time for lovers holding hands in the rain

Now springtime only reminds me of Tracy's tears

Always cry for love, never cry for pain

He used to say so strong unafraid to die

Unafraid of the death that left me hypnotized

No, staring at his picture I realized

No one could cry the way my Tracy cried

Sometimes it snows in April

Sometimes I feel so bad

Sometimes, sometimes I wish that life was never ending,

And all good things, they say, never last

I often dream of heaven and I know that Tracy's there

I know that he has found another friend

Maybe he's found the answer to all the April snow

Maybe one day I'll see my Tracy again

Sometimes it snows in April

Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad

Sometimes I wish that life was never ending,

But all good things, they say, never last

All good things that say, never last

And love, it isn't love until it's past
Voor mij ook Man in the Mirror. Zie Pinkelot. Altijd al een geweldig mooi nummer gevonden.
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Acda en de munnik- slaap zacht Elisabeth

Werd wakker in de namiddag 

En Elisabeth was er niet 

Met mijn ogen gesloten door het huis gegaan 

Want echt zien wil ik het niet 

Ik had zo graag dat je wel hier was 

Maar waar je dan ook bent 

Ik hoop dat ik daar ook mag komen, ooit 

En dat je mij nog kent 

Oh Slaap zacht, Elisabeth 

Slaap zacht, Elisabeth 

Slaap zacht

Oh Slaap zacht, Elisabeth 

Slaap zacht, Elisabeth

Slaap zacht

Niet iedereen kan een held zijn 

Er moeten ook mensen gered 

De truc is dansen op de gulden middenweg 

En dat red ik nog maar net 

Is Niemand die vertellen kan 

Waarom en waarom jij 

En ik, want ik ben er nog 

Ik sleep me naar de voordeur 

En dan kijk ik is de middenweg al vrij 

En ik zeg

Oh Slaap zacht, Elisabeth 

Slaap zacht, Elisabeth

Slaap zacht

Oh Slaap zacht, Elisabeth 

Slaap zacht, Elisabeth

Slaap zacht

Soms zie ik je in de kleedkamer 

Vlak voor het eerste lied 

Soms zie ik je ineens tussen de mensen staan 

Maar als ik later bij d'r weg ga was je 't niet 

Ik weet dat je nooit meer komen zal 

Maar ik hou vast aan wat het was 

Vannacht droom ik ons weer als koningin 

En koning van ons tweedehands matras 

En ik zeg 

Oh Slaap zacht, Elisabeth 

Slaap zacht 

Elisabeth, slaap zacht

Oh Slaap zacht, Elisabeth 

Slaap zacht 

Elisabeth, slaap zacht

Elisabeth, slaap zacht

Elisabeth, slaap zacht

Elisabeth, slaap zacht

Werd wakker in de namiddag,

en Elisabeth was er niet.
t zal wel
@MyleneValerie, heb je deze versie van I will survive al eens gehoord? Leah McFall (Voice UK)
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Sting met Fields of gold "I never made promises lightly, and there have been some that I've broken. But I swear in the days still left. We will walk in fields of gold". Wat mij betreft een van de oprechtste uitingen van liefde ooit in een songtekst.

Sting - Fields Of Gold

You'll remember me when the west wind moves

Upon the fields of barley

You forget the sun in his jealous sky

As we walk in fields of gold

So she took her love

For to gaze awhile

Upon the fields of barley

In his arms she fell as her hair came down

Among the fields of gold

Will you stay with me, will you be my love

Among the fields of barley

You forget the sun in his jealous sky

As we lie in fields of gold

See the west wind move like a lover so

Upon the fields of barley

Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth

Among the fields of gold

I never made promises lightly

And there have been some that I've broken

But I swear in the days still left

We'll walk in fields of gold

We'll walk in fields of gold

Many years have passed since those summer days

Among the fields of barley

See the children run as the sun goes down

Among the fields of gold

You'll remember me when the west wind moves

Upon the fields of barley

You can tell the sun in his jealous sky

When we walked in fields of gold

When we walked in fields of gold

When we walked in fields of gold
I choose happy!
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R.e.m. - At My Most Beautiful

I've found a way to make you

I've found a way

a way to make you smile

I read bad poetry

into your machine

I save your messages

just to hear your voice.

you always listen carefully

to awkward rhymes.

you always say your name.

like I wouldn't know it's you,

at your most beautiful.

I've found a way to make you

I've found a way

a way to make you smile

at my most beautiful

I count your eyelashes secretly.

with every one, whisper I love you.

I let you sleep.

I know your closed eye watching me,


I thought I saw a smile.

I've found a way to make you

I've found a way

a way to make you smile

Bovenstaande is, wat mij betreft, een van de meest romantische teksten ooit. Het gaat over iemand echt kennen en hem/haar gelukkig willen maken en die persoonlijke momenten die je deelt. Deze draaien we ook op onze bruiloft binnenkort.
I choose happy!
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Everytime I try to fly I fall.

Without my wings I feel so small.

Van Britney
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I thought that you were driving, but you've given me the wheel

There's rain clouds out there, that you don't wanna feel

Your anger's like a razor blade, it's just too bloody real

I thought that you would be here, no I just don't get it

Hey I also feel things more than I should

I don't relax very often, as often as I could

I worry how the whole thing looks, it doesn't look good

But I thought that you would be here, no I just don't get it

And being clear gets too much for me, just like it does for you

Even though I want to, I want to, I don't

I don't feel like calming down, no I don't

I don't feel like hiding out, so I won't

I can't turn the volume down, so I sit here in this

Chaos and piss, watching the storm passing

Storms are beautiful, right here it's beautiful

I came all this way to be with you, and you're already gone

If I was a good friend, I could right this wrong

I'd kick away your crutches, make you walk on your own

I really thought you'd be here, I just don't get it

Though it looks warm in the rabbit hole, I could go down with you

Even though I want to, I want to, I won't

I don't feel like calming down, no I don't

I don't feel like hiding out, so I won't

I can't turn this volume down, so I sit here in this

Chaos and piss, watching the storm passing

It's beautiful

I'm a willow tree, you can't blow me over

And my roots go deep in anger

I wanna feel the wind as it whips me like a prisoner

I wanna be here

I wanna be here

I don't feel like calming down, no I don't

I don't feel like hiding out, so I won't

I can't turn the volume down, so I sit here in this

Chaos and piss, watching the storm passing

Storms are beautiful, this life is beautiful

It is

Zo heb ik mij een hele tijd gevoeld nadat mijn man een ernstig ongeluk heeft gehad waarbij hij blijvend hersenletsel heeft opgelopen. Inmiddels gaat het een stuk beter maar toen ik dit liedje voor het eerst hoorde kwam het BAM binnen!
Iedereen zal verrast zijn, maar ik vind deze mooi en af en toe wil ik ze naar mensen schreeuwen hier, omdat ze zichzelf zo tekort doen. En dat vind ik zo zonde. Voor alle mooie vrouwen deze:

Every day is so wonderful

Then suddenly it's hard to breathe.

Now and then I get insecure

From all the pain, I'm so ashamed.

I am beautiful no matter what they say.

Words can't bring me down.

I am beautiful in every single way.

Yes, words can't bring me down... Oh no.

So don't you bring me down today.

To all your friends you're delirious,

So consumed in all your doom.

Trying hard to fill the emptiness.

The pieces gone, left the puzzle undone.

is that the way it is?

You are beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring you down....oh no

You are beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring you down, oh, no

So don't you bring me down today...

No matter what we do

(no matter what we do)

No matter what we say

(no matter what we say)

We're the song inside the tune

Full of beautiful mistakes

And everywhere we go

(and everywhere we go)

The sun will always shine

(the sun will always, always shine)

And tomorrow we might wake on the other side

We are beautiful no matter what they say

Yes, words won't bring us down, no, no

We are beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring us down, oh, no

So don't you bring me down today

Oh, yeah, don't you bring me down today, yeah, ooh

Don't you bring me down ooh... today
quote:EssentialBliss schreef op 07 juni 2014 @ 10:12:

R.e.m. - At My Most Beautiful

I've found a way to make you

I've found a way

a way to make you smile

I read bad poetry

into your machine

I save your messages

just to hear your voice.

you always listen carefully

to awkward rhymes.

you always say your name.

like I wouldn't know it's you,

at your most beautiful.

I've found a way to make you

I've found a way

a way to make you smile

at my most beautiful

I count your eyelashes secretly.

with every one, whisper I love you.

I let you sleep.

I know your closed eye watching me,


I thought I saw a smile.

I've found a way to make you

I've found a way

a way to make you smile

Bovenstaande is, wat mij betreft, een van de meest romantische teksten ooit. Het gaat over iemand echt kennen en hem/haar gelukkig willen maken en die persoonlijke momenten die je deelt. Deze draaien we ook op onze bruiloft binnenkort.Prachtig ook!
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You Got the Love - The Source ft Candi Staton

Sometimes I feel like

Throwing my hands up in the air

I know I can count on you

Sometimes I feel like saying

Lord I just don't care

But you've got the love I need

To see me through

Sometimes it seems that

The going is just too rough

And things go wrong

No matter what I do

Now and then I feel

That life is just too much

But you've got the love

I need to see me through

When food is gone

You are my daily meal

When friends are gone I know

My saviour's love is real

Your love is real

Every once in a while

I say Lord I can't go on

Every once in a while

I get to feeling blue

Every once in a while

it seems like I am all alone

But you got the love

I need to see me through


my thoughts are brave and friends are few


I cry out Lord what must I do


I call up Master make me new

You've got the love

I need to see me through

Sometimes I feel like

Throwing my hands up in the air

I know I can count on you

Sometimes I feel like saying

Lord I just don't care

But you've got the love I need

To see me through
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Black van Pearl Jam. Het raakte mij altijd. Vooral 1 zin uit dit nummer.


Hey... oooh...

Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay

Were laid spread out before me as her body once did.

All of five horizons revolved around her soul as the earth to the sun

Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn

Ooh, and all I taught her was everything

Ooh, I know she gave me all that she was

And now my bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds of what was everything.

Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...

I take a walk outside, I'm surrounded by some kids at play

I can feel their laughter, so why do I sear?

Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my head, I'm spinning, oh,

I'm spinning, how quick the sun can drop away

And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass of what was everything

All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...

All the love gone bad turned my world to black

Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be... yeah...

Uh huh... uh huh... ooh...

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,

I know you'll be a sun in somebody else's sky,

But why, why, why can't it be, can't it be mine?
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En, ook van Pearl Jam.

Dit wordt het nummer waarbij mijn vader me weg gaat geven in de kerk.

"Future Days"

If I ever were to lose you

I'd surely lose myself

Everything I have found dear

I’ve not found by myself

Try and sometimes you'll succeed to make this man of me

All my stolen missing parts I’ve no need for anymore

I believe and I believe ‘cause I can see

Our future days, days of you and me

Back when I was feeling broken

I focused on a prayer, you came deep as in the ocean

Its something I cant hear

All the complexities and games, no one wins but somehow they're still played

All the missing crooked hearts they may die but in us they live on

I believe and I believe ‘cause I can see

Our future days, days of you and me

When The hurricanes and cyclones rage

When winds turn dirt into dust

When floods they came and the tides they raised, ever closer became us

All the promises at sundown, I met them like the rest

All the demons used to come round I'm grateful now they've left

So persistent in my ways, Angel I am here to stay

No resistance, no alarms

Please this is just too good to be gone

I believe and I believe ‘cause I can see

Our future days, days of you and me

You and me

Days of You and Me
Nog maar één van Pearl Jam dan, kan nu even niet zeggen waarom, maar deze brengt mij elke keer dat ik 'm hoor weer in een bepaalde stemming...

Pearl Jam – Sirens

Hear the sirens, hear the sirens

Hear the sirens, hear the circus so profound

I hear the sirens more and more in this here town

Let me catch my breath to breathe then reach across the bend

Just to know we’re safe, I am a grateful man

This light is pit, alive and I can see you clear

I could take your hand, and feel your breath

For fear this someday will be over

I pull you close, so much to lose

Knowing that, nothing lasts forever

I didn’t care, before you were here

A distant laughter, with the ever after

But, all things change, let this remain

Hear the sirens covering distance in the night

The sound, echoing closer, will they come for me, next time?

For every choice, mistake I made, is not my plan

To send you in the arms of another man

And if you choose to stay, I’ll wait, I’ll understand

It’s a fragile thing, this life we lead,

If I think too much, I can’t get over

When by the grace, by which we live

Our lives with death over our shoulders

Want you to know, that should I go,

I always loved you, held you high above too

I studied your face, the fear goes away

It’s a fragile thing, this life we lead,

If I think too much, I can’t get over

When by the grace, by which we live

Our lives with death over our shoulders

Want you to know, that should I go,

I always loved you, held you high above too

I studied your face, the fear goes away,

The fear goes away, the fear goes away
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Ik verbaas me erover dat de buitenkant van de dingen zoveel verbergt.
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Somebody van Depeche Mode, omdat iedereen hoopt iemand te vinden met wie je alles kunt delen

I want somebody to share

Share the rest of my life

Share my innermost thoughts

Know my intimate details

Someone who'll stand by my side

And give me support

And in return

She'll get my support

She will listen to me

When I want to speak

About the world we live in

And life in general

Though my views may be wrong

They may even be perverted

She will hear me out

And won't easily be converted

To my way of thinking

In fact she'll often disagree

But at the end of it all

She will understand me

I want somebody who cares

For me passionately

With every thought and with every breath

Someone who'll help me see things

In a different light

All the things I detest

I will almost like

I don't want to be tied

To anyone's strings

I'm carefully trying to steer clear

Of those things

But when I'm asleep

I want somebody

Who will put their arms around me

And kiss me tenderly

Though things like this

Make me sick

In a case like this

I'll get away with it

Somebody - Depeche Mode
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En The Stranger van Billy Joël, over hoe moeilijk het is om eerlijk te zijn over je angsten en verlangens. Tegenover anderen maar ook tegenover jezelf

Well, we all have a face that we hide away forever

And we take them out and show ourselves when everyone has gone.

Some are satin, some are steel,

Some are silk and some are leather.

They're the faces of a stranger,

But we'd love to try them on.

Well, we all fall in love,

But we disregard the danger,

Though we share so many secrets,

There are some we never tell.

Why were you so surprised that you never saw the stranger?

Did you ever let your lover see the stranger in yourself?

Don't be afraid to try again.

Everyone goes south every now and then.

You've done it.

Why can't someone else?

You should know by now.

You've been there yourself.

Once I used to believe I was such a great romancer.

Then I came home to a woman that I could not recognize.

When I pressed her for a reason,

She refused to even answer.

It was then I felt the stranger kick me right between the eyes.

Well, we all fall in love

But we disregard the danger

Though we share so many secrets

There are some we never tell

Why were you so surprised that you never saw the stranger

Did you ever let your lover see the stranger in yourself.

Don't be afraid to try again.

Everyone goes south every now and then.

You've done it.

Why can't someone else?

You should know by now.

You've been there yourself.

You may never understand how the stranger is inspired.

But he isn't always evil and he is not always wrong.

Though you drown in good intensions,

You will never quench the fire.

You'll give in to your desire when the stranger comes along

The Stranger - Billy Joel

Die vind ik ook prachtig!
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6. Silver

Come when you need me, leave me when you need to be free

Come when you want me, leave me when you need me to understand

Did you fall out of love, because you fell in love again?

Did you fall out of love, because you fell in love, with someone new?

When the new love, shined with all the promise of all I couldn't give to you.

And the new life offered all you wanted, and you had to choose

I helped to carry you, I took good care of you, I wanted us to continue

But I knew, that you would leave, when the time was right for you.

Life was a relay I passed it off to you. You ran away, and won the race

You never looked back, to see what happened to me, For I was only second place

When the new love, shined with all the promise of all I couldn't give to you.

And the new life offered all you wanted, and you were asked to choose.

We come together to share your sorrows - where you save yourself for someone else.

You keep your distance in times of hope, while I cry (for you) all by myself

When you're silver, you never come first, When you're silver, the truth always hurts.

I don't want unconditional love, Ill always need to be judged

I don't want a traditional love, Ill always need to be wanted/loved by someone else

When did the city make you so cold?

We share your sorrows but I dine alone...

When did the city make you so cold?

I cry alone - while you dine with someone else

When did the city make you so cold?

We cry together but I dine alone...

When did the city make you so cold?

Woods of Ypres. Lekkere depressieve muziek die prachtig past bij mijn depressieve karakter. Oh ja en Depeche Mode,prachtig. Dit alles herinnert me aan mijn agressieve man die ik had. Het grappige van dit alles was dat ik hem maar achterna bleef lopen en mn benen wijd deed als hij het vroeg. En nu zelfs 15 jaar later kan ik het niet laten hem toe te voegen aan mn FB terwijl ik nu een ontzettende lieve man heb. Waarom dan toch aan het verleden denken? Ik ben niet eens verliefd meer op de eikel en ga hem ook niet meer om aandacht smeken. Ik wilde alleen maar dat ie me zag. :(

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