alle pijlers
Heropend: maddie mccann
woensdag 3 juni 2020 om 21:29
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:01
Ja, niet om t 1 of ander maar het is natuurlijk idd niet de bedoeling om zoiets als vingerafdrukken achter te laten als je snode bedoelingen hebt.
“Intelligentie zonder vriendelijkheid is een zeer gevaarlijk wapen”. (Francoise Sagan)
"De moord die niet mocht worden opgelost". (Maaike Vaatstra)
"De moord die niet mocht worden opgelost". (Maaike Vaatstra)
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:03
Misschien mosterd, maar ik zag een interview, waarin ze vertelden dat hen verteld was door de politie zo emotieloos mogelijk te reageren tijdens interviews. Dit om de dader die mogelijk ook kijkt, niet te triggeren.hannaa45 schreef: ↑08-06-2020 16:51Ik vind trouwens het gedrag van Kate en Gerry helemaal niet zo raar.
Robotachtig? Ja, natuurlijk.
Ze kunnen moeilijk hun emoties de vrije loop laten.
Ze moeten doorlopend verdacht zijn op wat ze zeggen en wat ze samen besloten hebben, want anders gaat het schuren.
Nogal logisch dat hun gedrag heel verstandelijk en weinig emotioneel overkomt.
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:04
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:05
Geen sporen achterlaten van jezelf?pamelacourson schreef: ↑08-06-2020 18:04Dit wilde ik ook zeggen. Je neemt een kind leven mee, of je vermoord het en laat het achter. Waarom zou je een dood, bloedend kind meenemen?
Een dood kind kunnen ze binnenste buiten keren op zoek naar onder andere DNA en sperma.
Is dit nu later?
Ik snap geen donder van het leven
Ik weet nog steeds niet wie ik ben
Ik snap geen donder van het leven
Ik weet nog steeds niet wie ik ben
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:14
Ja, dat bedoel ik ook.pamelacourson schreef: ↑08-06-2020 17:17Oh maar dat kan dan juist niet. Die sporttas stond op de politiefoto’s van na de verdwijning, maar was daarna weg. Die kan dus niet meegenomen zijn door eventuele ontvoerders. Of bedoel je dat ook?
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:18
Dat klopt inderdaad. Stukje uit dit interview:
“ All they were seeing of Kate and Gerry was when they made an occasional statement – and then they were accused of being cold and aloof.
That was because they were told not to show, if possible, any overt emotions, because (I am sad to say) some offenders who commit these sorts of crimes can get a perverse kind of kick out of seeing the distress they have caused the parents of the children they have taken. Because they both Kate and Gerry were doctors, they took that very seriously.” ... ished.html
Ik dat zelfde artikel staat overigens ook een reactie van de ouders:
“ We’ve had a plane with engines running, ready to recover a child who turned out not to be Madeleine and hundreds, if not thousands, of psychics telling us where she is. None of it has come to anything.
The situation goes quiet for a long time, then comes back with the force of a train.
With the manic events of the past 36 hours, you could say we have been here before – but this time something feels very different.
This is the first time I can recall the police, not just in one country but three, targeting a specific, identifiable individual: a 43-year-old German itinerant who was living in Praia da Luz when Madeleine vanished.
For the first time detectives are asking very specific, detailed questions about one person’s activities, his vehicles and his phones.
Let’s bear in mind he may still be ruled out, but we have never had that degree of focus before which makes it feel more significant.”
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:29
Dank, helaas doen hier de links naar de extended video’s het niet. Wel maak ik op dat het Eddie was die aansloeg bij de knuffel (die signaleert op lijk geur).pamelacourson schreef: ↑08-06-2020 15:30Hierin staat veel over de honden:
If you can't make it good, at least make it look good. (Bill Gates)
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:29
Kritisch artikel over het gebruik van kadaverhonden (McCann-zaak wordt ook besproken): ... -reliable/ ... -reliable/
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:32
In de Deventer moordzaak was er een hond die een mes (het zgn moordwapen) linkte aan de -in mijn ogen onschuldige- veroordeelde.
Dat mes bleek net zo weinig het moordwapen te zijn, als mijn tuinhark.
En de eerste verdachte kreeg geen hondenconfrontatie.
“Intelligentie zonder vriendelijkheid is een zeer gevaarlijk wapen”. (Francoise Sagan)
"De moord die niet mocht worden opgelost". (Maaike Vaatstra)
"De moord die niet mocht worden opgelost". (Maaike Vaatstra)
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:47
dit is gewoon een blog van .. geen idee wie. In ieder geval geen autoriteit op het gebied van recherchewerk of honden. Zoek eens wat beter en kijk een wat die honden hebben opgelost aan zakensnug schreef: ↑08-06-2020 18:29Kritisch artikel over het gebruik van kadaverhonden (McCann-zaak wordt ook besproken): ... -reliable/
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:49
oh dat houden ze al 13 jaar goed vol dan. Maar reactie is geen bewijs
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:49
Dit vind ik nog wel één van de vreemdste dingen.
Madeleine is nog maar net verdwenen en Gerry denkt er al over een superhappening met o.a. Elton John te gaan organiseren voor Madeleine één jaar zoek is...
Gerry McCann, speaking on June 3rd, 2007: "Later this year (...)"
Sunday June 3,2007
By Jason Groves
Daily Express
ROCK legend Sir Elton John is being lined up to front a global pop concert, to carry the message of missing Madeleine McCann’s plight to every corner of the earth.
It is hoped the singer will headline a huge series of worldwide events to mark a special Madeleine Day that her distraught parents are planning in the effort to find the vanished four-year-old. Sir Elton’s popular appeal is guaranteed to attract a swarm of other film and music superstars keen to offer support to parents Gerry and Kate McCann.
The couple, having promised not to return home until they are reunited with Madeleine, are now planning a series of visits to European and North African cities, to distribute posters and widen the appeal for information.
Sir Elton has played an emotional DVD of Madeline at his concerts, but now believes a larger effort would do more to raise awareness of her predicament.
Gerry McCann, 38, said: “One of the ideas is maybe getting all the people who have publicly supported us to come together. I don’t just mean from the UK but from different parts of the world. We want a big event to raise awareness that she is still missing.
“We would look at high-profile people who have already pledged support. It will be some sort of focus around an anniversary, to tell people thatMadeleine ’s still missing. I think it would be later this year, once media attention has dropped, to bring it back up, hopefully, for a short period.
“It wouldn’t be a one-year anniversary, it will be sooner than that. What we’re doing at the minute has its role but doing that down the line in a few months won’t have anything like the same impact. We might have a sporting event, something arts, something music.
"We’ve had backing from sporting people up to now. We have had backing from certain musical celebrities as well. We’ve got some other musical contacts that we are exploring, who are happy to offer support.
“We’re not saying it would necessarily be one big concert, it might be that on a certain day they are playing her DVD.
“What we want at the current time is maximum message out there now, about her disappearance but then just events to bring it back up occasionally just to remind people, if she’s not found.”
A month after the sleeping Madeleine was snatched from her bed, Gerry and Kate McCann have betrayed the first signs that their hopes of finding her alive are starting to fade.
The couple confessed that they are haunted by the harrowing thought of her being held captive by a pervert. Still desperately clinging toMadeleine ’s pink Cuddle Cat, 38-year-old Kate said: “We don’t know where she is. We’d like to think she’s still in Portugal, she might still be in Portugal.
“But we know there’s a possibility she’s gone over the border – or several borders. We know there are bad people out there, but we know there are also a lot of sad people. We hope it’s the latter.”
Gerry added: “Of course we believe Madeleine is still alive but you would be incredible if you hadn’t considered the worst scenario, that she’s dead.
“Kate and I discuss it – not a lot, but we talk about hope, and that while there’s some we will not give up. At the minute, there’s loads of hope.”
PS - Don't look for this story, on the Daily Express site. It was deleted, long ago...
Madeleine is nog maar net verdwenen en Gerry denkt er al over een superhappening met o.a. Elton John te gaan organiseren voor Madeleine één jaar zoek is...
Gerry McCann, speaking on June 3rd, 2007: "Later this year (...)"
Sunday June 3,2007
By Jason Groves
Daily Express
ROCK legend Sir Elton John is being lined up to front a global pop concert, to carry the message of missing Madeleine McCann’s plight to every corner of the earth.
It is hoped the singer will headline a huge series of worldwide events to mark a special Madeleine Day that her distraught parents are planning in the effort to find the vanished four-year-old. Sir Elton’s popular appeal is guaranteed to attract a swarm of other film and music superstars keen to offer support to parents Gerry and Kate McCann.
The couple, having promised not to return home until they are reunited with Madeleine, are now planning a series of visits to European and North African cities, to distribute posters and widen the appeal for information.
Sir Elton has played an emotional DVD of Madeline at his concerts, but now believes a larger effort would do more to raise awareness of her predicament.
Gerry McCann, 38, said: “One of the ideas is maybe getting all the people who have publicly supported us to come together. I don’t just mean from the UK but from different parts of the world. We want a big event to raise awareness that she is still missing.
“We would look at high-profile people who have already pledged support. It will be some sort of focus around an anniversary, to tell people thatMadeleine ’s still missing. I think it would be later this year, once media attention has dropped, to bring it back up, hopefully, for a short period.
“It wouldn’t be a one-year anniversary, it will be sooner than that. What we’re doing at the minute has its role but doing that down the line in a few months won’t have anything like the same impact. We might have a sporting event, something arts, something music.
"We’ve had backing from sporting people up to now. We have had backing from certain musical celebrities as well. We’ve got some other musical contacts that we are exploring, who are happy to offer support.
“We’re not saying it would necessarily be one big concert, it might be that on a certain day they are playing her DVD.
“What we want at the current time is maximum message out there now, about her disappearance but then just events to bring it back up occasionally just to remind people, if she’s not found.”
A month after the sleeping Madeleine was snatched from her bed, Gerry and Kate McCann have betrayed the first signs that their hopes of finding her alive are starting to fade.
The couple confessed that they are haunted by the harrowing thought of her being held captive by a pervert. Still desperately clinging toMadeleine ’s pink Cuddle Cat, 38-year-old Kate said: “We don’t know where she is. We’d like to think she’s still in Portugal, she might still be in Portugal.
“But we know there’s a possibility she’s gone over the border – or several borders. We know there are bad people out there, but we know there are also a lot of sad people. We hope it’s the latter.”
Gerry added: “Of course we believe Madeleine is still alive but you would be incredible if you hadn’t considered the worst scenario, that she’s dead.
“Kate and I discuss it – not a lot, but we talk about hope, and that while there’s some we will not give up. At the minute, there’s loads of hope.”
PS - Don't look for this story, on the Daily Express site. It was deleted, long ago...
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:52
opsporingshonden die gespecialiseerd zijn in het opsporen van lijken zitten in 95% van de gevallen juist. De honden in de mccann zaak waren de creme de la creme van de snifferdogs, ze hadden al heel veel zaken opgelost. Dat beide honden verkeerd zouden zitten is zeer onwaarschijnlijk ... eet_d.html ... eet_d.html
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:56
Eddy had in 200 cases nog nooit fout gezeten. Dat lijkt me toch meer dan genoeg betrouwbaar.
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:56
Bizar. Een maand na de verdwijning wisten ze al dat ze niet meer terug zou komen?Emma95 schreef: ↑08-06-2020 18:49Dit vind ik nog wel één van de vreemdste dingen.
Madeleine is nog maar net verdwenen en Gerry denkt er al over een superhappening met o.a. Elton John te gaan organiseren voor Madeleine één jaar zoek is...
Gerry McCann, speaking on June 3rd, 2007: "Later this year (...)"
Sunday June 3,2007
By Jason Groves
Daily Express
ROCK legend Sir Elton John is being lined up to front a global pop concert, to carry the message of missing Madeleine McCann’s plight to every corner of the earth.
It is hoped the singer will headline a huge series of worldwide events to mark a special Madeleine Day that her distraught parents are planning in the effort to find the vanished four-year-old. Sir Elton’s popular appeal is guaranteed to attract a swarm of other film and music superstars keen to offer support to parents Gerry and Kate McCann.
The couple, having promised not to return home until they are reunited with Madeleine, are now planning a series of visits to European and North African cities, to distribute posters and widen the appeal for information.
Sir Elton has played an emotional DVD of Madeline at his concerts, but now believes a larger effort would do more to raise awareness of her predicament.
Gerry McCann, 38, said: “One of the ideas is maybe getting all the people who have publicly supported us to come together. I don’t just mean from the UK but from different parts of the world. We want a big event to raise awareness that she is still missing.
“We would look at high-profile people who have already pledged support. It will be some sort of focus around an anniversary, to tell people thatMadeleine ’s still missing. I think it would be later this year, once media attention has dropped, to bring it back up, hopefully, for a short period.
“It wouldn’t be a one-year anniversary, it will be sooner than that. What we’re doing at the minute has its role but doing that down the line in a few months won’t have anything like the same impact. We might have a sporting event, something arts, something music.
"We’ve had backing from sporting people up to now. We have had backing from certain musical celebrities as well. We’ve got some other musical contacts that we are exploring, who are happy to offer support.
“We’re not saying it would necessarily be one big concert, it might be that on a certain day they are playing her DVD.
“What we want at the current time is maximum message out there now, about her disappearance but then just events to bring it back up occasionally just to remind people, if she’s not found.”
A month after the sleeping Madeleine was snatched from her bed, Gerry and Kate McCann have betrayed the first signs that their hopes of finding her alive are starting to fade.
The couple confessed that they are haunted by the harrowing thought of her being held captive by a pervert. Still desperately clinging toMadeleine ’s pink Cuddle Cat, 38-year-old Kate said: “We don’t know where she is. We’d like to think she’s still in Portugal, she might still be in Portugal.
“But we know there’s a possibility she’s gone over the border – or several borders. We know there are bad people out there, but we know there are also a lot of sad people. We hope it’s the latter.”
Gerry added: “Of course we believe Madeleine is still alive but you would be incredible if you hadn’t considered the worst scenario, that she’s dead.
“Kate and I discuss it – not a lot, but we talk about hope, and that while there’s some we will not give up. At the minute, there’s loads of hope.”
PS - Don't look for this story, on the Daily Express site. It was deleted, long ago...
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:56
Het is ook gewoon geweten dat de eerste 24 uur en de eerste week gewoon cruciaal zijn bij een verdwijning.Emma95 schreef: ↑08-06-2020 18:49Dit vind ik nog wel één van de vreemdste dingen.
Madeleine is nog maar net verdwenen en Gerry denkt er al over een superhappening met o.a. Elton John te gaan organiseren voor Madeleine één jaar zoek is...
Gerry McCann, speaking on June 3rd, 2007: "Later this year (...)"
Als iemand dan niet gevonden is, is de kans érg groot dat het "forever and ever" is, helaas.
En al helemaal niet levend.
Daar bestaan allerlei statistieken over.
Ik kan dus best geloven dat Gerry na een maand ergens de hoop om Maddie levend te vinden al half had opgegeven.
Is dit nu later?
Ik snap geen donder van het leven
Ik weet nog steeds niet wie ik ben
Ik snap geen donder van het leven
Ik weet nog steeds niet wie ik ben
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 18:57
Hoe ik het lees kwam dit idee niet bij hen vandaan, ook al is het wel erg snel inderdaad.
Sir Elton has played an emotional DVD of Madeline at his concerts, but now believes a larger effort would do more to raise awareness of her predicament.
Gerry McCann, 38, said: “One of the ideas is maybe getting all the people who have publicly supported us to come together. I don’t just mean from the UK but from different parts of the world. We want a big event to raise awareness that she is still missing.
Sir Elton has played an emotional DVD of Madeline at his concerts, but now believes a larger effort would do more to raise awareness of her predicament.
Gerry McCann, 38, said: “One of the ideas is maybe getting all the people who have publicly supported us to come together. I don’t just mean from the UK but from different parts of the world. We want a big event to raise awareness that she is still missing.
maandag 8 juni 2020 om 19:00
Ik weet niet of iemand de serie Defending Jacob heeft gezien? Natuurlijk fictie maar toch ga je gaandeweg in het verhaal ook van hot naar haar wat je gedachtes zijn bij wat waar is of kan zijn. Ook hoe andere in de serie kijken naar de ouders en wat ze ervan vinden heeft raakvlakken met de ouders van Maddie.
Ik denk als je al gedrag ziet wat niet zo is als je zelf zou hebben lijkt het al vreemd.
Iemand noemde net al dat vooral tijdens het onderzoek fouten gemaakt zijn. En ik denk dat daar veel waarheid in ligt.