Practising English

01-06-2009 13:31 173 berichten
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Practise a bit, I would say.
By the way, is there a new bug?

I can't press the 'viva -> forum -> overig' buttons on top of the page anymore... Is there anyone else experiencing this problem?
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@Tangerine, I've got the same problem! Very annoying!
Yup, noticed the same thing yesterday evening using Google Chrome at home.

At work now (weeerrrlll sort of) and not problems not occurring here. (IE I'm afraid) Are you using GC per chance?
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I am using GC because with internet explorer I got "foutmelding" all the time
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Hi Tang, offcourse you can join us here

I'm not going to South-Africa, but t a pretty small country on the west coast.
No,I'm not using GC, I'm using Mozilla Firefox. Maybe Viva thought that the GC and MF users should experience problems as well .

Are you going there for a long time Kym? And what exactly is it, that you're going to do?

Btw, do we also correct each other? It's 'of course' instead of offcourse . (Offcourse doesn't exist and off course has an entirely different meaning I always made that mistake 'till my highschool teacher corrected me.)
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quote:Kym schreef op 01 juni 2009 @ 14:15:

I'm going to work for a non-governmental organization in a very poor country in Africa where a lot things have to be rebuild.

My job will be coaching, organising and coordinating a team of nurses and together we will go into the field, visiting people who got psychiatric troubles. Heavy stuff, but I can't wait!

Well, this is what I'm going to do Tang

And of course () you can always correct my writing! Thanks!
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Ah hi girls! How are you all doing today?

'Glad' hearing you are experiencing tech issues as well, thought it was only me... also have they changed the lay-out here? I used to be able to search the forum and then click on 'topics you have been participating in' and then I had a complete list of them all. But I cannot seem to find this feature anymore. Anyone?

Welcome Tangerine (f) It's always good to practice more I think!

Please if you see any grammar mistakes let me know. I sometimes know how to say it, but have no idea how to spell it... Also if you have any fun sayings you know, please feel free to share them with us....
if they like you you'll know, if they don't you'll be confused
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quote:Kym schreef op 02 juni 2009 @ 21:15:

Iris, I think Robo told us she's a English translator and has a foreign man (french). But now I'm not so sure anymore actually. Ah sorry! Missed that one. But it explains how she know it so well
if they like you you'll know, if they don't you'll be confused
It's a bit quiet here!

Is any of you going to do something nice tonight? I've got dance class (salsa) and I feel like it, although i'm quite tired.
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Hi Tang!

How was your dancing?

I love Salsa, but can't dance it very well. It's the easiest to be lead (?) by a real Latin-guy, then it always looks terrific! (even if you hadn't class at all)

I had to work this evening. I'm really tired as well now, but can't sleep yet. I alwayws have to relax a bit when I get home right after work.
I can tell you that there are definitely lots of latin guys who suck at salsa (Unfortunately..) Of course there are also plenty who can dance.

It was a good class!

Did any of you guys vote? I didn't. I know, it's really bad, but I had no clue who to vote for. So I'll wait 'till the national elections and then I'll vote...

I don't even know who won! I just got home and I'm too tired to check. I had to get up at 5:30 this morning so now I'm very tired. But tomorrow I have an evening shift (and after that again a salsa class), so I have the time to sleep for a very long time!

I wish you all a good night, sweet dreams!
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Hi gals!

I've been living in the States for over a decade now, and it's fun to see you guys write, the build-up of the sentences and stuff. I can almost hear the Dutch accent Anyways, you all are doing a great job at practicing, keep it up!

Of course, or should I say obviously, I don't really know "the Queen's English" as we all learned in the VO, since I moved here quite young (17). So I picked up full-on American English from my husband. But if you have any questions, or don't mind me butting in sometimes on grammatical errors, I'm here :-) (a different time zone, but hey, who cares right?)
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Hai Kym,

I'm not sure I've followed all your topics, but I try to. In this one, I read you are going to SA. Which village/province are you going to? I've lived a year in Limpopo, just 100 km below the boarder with Zimbabwe.

If you like to learn already about actual stuff in SA, I really would consider to check out the website of the "Mail and Guardian" sometimes ( I think it's the best newspaper from SA. They have a very good and funny cartoon, 'madam and Eve' which is even better to get a grip on local news, politics and culture, Even though I am not living there anymore, I still visit this website regularly because it's so funny, yet ironic and heartbreaking at the same time!
Oliemom, welcome. Why did you move to the US? Were you in an exchange program, did your parents move there, or did you move there because of your husband? (Quite young then )

Do you still speak dutch perfectly or are you forgetting it slowly

I don't feel like working today! I just read a Karin Slaughter book, and silly enough I had to cry at the end. It was a very bad ending.
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Hi Tangerine!

I DID move here because of my (American) husband, although he didn't become my husband until after I turned 18. Oh, I'm still fluent in Dutch, albeit with a slight American "r". My daughter speaks it as well, but my son doesn't. We were kind of indecisive for a while and have lived on both sides of the ocean. I'm on my phone, so I can't scroll up to read about you, but I'll post after this one, cool?
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Oh Tang, just read your post, and you're right, you're quite good at English. What's your story? How come I don't "read" a Dutch accent when I read your post? :-)
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@ Tammetuk: if you mean "actual" as in: actueel, then you use "current".
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@oliemum: great to receive some correction! although now I start to doubt everything I write... )

I don't know how I got the idea, but I found out that Kym is absolutely NOT going to South Africa, sorry for that!!
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I'm not going to SA, no,so, well...

Too tired now, so I have to sleep!

Talk to you girls later!
Oliemun, I just like the English language. I did work abroad, but that was in Spain. Maybe it helped losing the Dutch accent though

I also used to play an online roleplaying game with a huge English community. The game has a newspaper and I was editor of that magazine. I had a lot of practise then.

I'm still quite tired, although I slept 'till 12.00h! But on the other hand I didn't fall asleep before 4.00am...

Yesterday at salsa class I was so tired. I took my class and after that I fell on a chair and just sat there 'till we got home.

Tonight I'm going out with a friend. We're gonna have dinner somewhere, we don't know where yet. I feel like it, I haven't seen her for quite a long time.
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Oh man, I wanna dance so badly! Before I came to the States I was totally into it, competition and all, but over here it wasn't really available. Not until DWTS made it more popular again, haha! So I just turn up the volume on the radio and go for it in the living room! It definitely took a while to "lose" my accent. And when I'm tired or mad the Dutch in me still pops up. Good thing my husband and daughter speak it, cause I'll be like: eh...look in the How fun you did the newspaper! I love languages! I need to learn Spanish badly! Maybe you could teach me, lol, or rather guide me in the direction of a good (online?) program. Have fun tonight!

And to the other girls, I used to have nights with my girls where we only spoke English to each other, no Dutch allowed. Especially fun when you're out and about, try it!
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I never managed to completely lose my Dutch accent, but I'm at a point now where I no longer care.

(Perhaps because I've been ascertained that it makes my English sound cute?)
If at first you don’t succeed, call it version 1.0

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